Nursing Week 6 APA Assignment


As a baccalaureate-prepared nursing professional what role will you take to advocate for culturally diverse clients in your healthcare practice?

  • Sections of the assignment must include:
    Focus points covered in the discussion posts
    Any arguments and rationales for your stance
    Conclusion or Summary
  • The components of your APA Assignment includes the following:
    The assignment must be completed on a word document.
    Your APA Assignment must include a title page (Refer to Purdue OWL).
    All in-text citations must be used when paraphrasing or quoting a previous author.
    All references must reflect the in-text citations used.
    All reference sources must be within the past 5 years unless it is the works of a nurse theorist or a significant reference material.
    The length of the assignment must be 750-1000 words. Please pay attention to spelling and grammar. Points are deducted for repeat offenders.
    Upon completion of the assignment, you must submit it via and please note that your plagiarism score should be no more than 20%. If you score higher, please make adjustments.
    (Please refer to the APA Grading rubric for additional assistance in completing your assignment).
    You may reach out to the College Writing Center for further assistance.

MSN 5550 WEEK 3


Visit and review the American Hospital Association’s Patients’ Bill of Rights. Discuss how health care professionals can ensure that patients’ rights are upheld and protected.


  Word limit 500 word . Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for  work. Please check plagiarism. 

Locating Credible Databases and Research

Assessment 4

Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care

Create a 5-10 minute video of yourself, as a presenter, in which you will propose an evidence-based plan to improve the outcomes for the Vila Health patient and examine how remote collaboration provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care.


As technologies and the health care industry continue to evolve, remote care, diagnosis, and collaboration are becoming increasingly more regular methods by which nurses are expected to work. Learning the ways in which evidence-based models and care can help remote work produce better outcomes will become critical for success. Additionally, understanding how to leverage EBP principles in collaboration will be important in the success of institutions delivering quality, safe, and cost-effective care. It could also lead to better job satisfaction for those engaging in remote collaboration.


Before beginning this assessment, make sure you have worked through the following media:

Vila Health: Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care.

You may wish to review Selecting a model for evidence-based practice changes. [PDF] and Evidence-Based Practice Models, which help explain the various evidence-based nursing models.

For this assessment, you are a presenter! You will create a 5-10-minute video using Kaltura or similar software. In the video:

Propose your evidence-based care plan that you believe will improve the safety and outcomes of the patient in the Vila Health Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care media scenario. Add your thoughts on what more could be done for the client and what more information may have been needed.

Discuss the ways in which an EBP model and relevant evidence helped you to develop and make decisions about the plan you proposed

Wrap up your video by identifying the benefits of the remote collaboration in the scenario, as well as discuss strategies you found in the literature or best practices that could help mitigate or overcome one or more of the collaboration challenges you observed in the scenario.

Be sure you mention any articles, authors, and other relevant sources of evidence that helped inform your video. Discuss why these sources of evidence are credible and relevant. Important: You are required to submit an APA-formatted reference list of the sources you cited specifically in your video or used to inform your presentation. You are required to submit a narrative of all your video content to this assessment and to SafeAssign.

The following media is an example learner submission in which the speaker successfully addresses all competencies in the assessment.

Exemplar Kaltura Reflection.

Please note that the scenario that the speaker discusses in the exemplar is different from the Vila Health scenario you should be addressing in your video. So, the type of communication expected is being model, but the details related to the scenario in your submission will be different.

Make sure that your video addresses the following grading criteria:

Propose your own evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for a patient based on the Vila Health Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Care media scenario.

Explain the ways in which you used an EBP model to help develop your plan of care for the client.

Reflect on which evidence you found in your search that was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding your care plan.

Identify benefits and strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team.

Communicate in a professional manner that is easily audible and uses proper grammar, including a reference list formatted in current APA style.

Refer to Using Kaltura as needed to record and upload your video.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated


Health Promotions Presentation

due @10am 11-12-23

Replies week 8 MSN 5300

  Replies two peers with 200 words each one 

1.Sensitivity and specificity are measures of the accuracy of a screening test that we use to identify the presence or absence of a particular condition in an individual.

Sensitivity measures the proportion of true positives that are correctly identified by a screening test. In other words, it tells us the percentage of people who have the condition and are correctly identified by the screening test as having it.

Specificity measures the proportion of true negatives that are correctly identified by a screening test. That is, it tells us the percentage of people who do not suffer from the condition and who the screening test correctly identifies as not suffering.

Both sensitivity and specificity are important in determining the accuracy of a screening test, as they inform us about how effective the test is in correctly identifying both positive and negative cases. Ideally, we want a screening test that has high sensitivity and specificity, so that we can accurately identify the presence or absence of the condition being tested.

There are several factors that can affect sensitivity and specificity:

The threshold or cutoff value used to define a positive screening result. The lower the threshold, the more sensitivity increases but specificity decreases, while a higher threshold increases specificity but decreases sensitivity.

Also important is the prevalence of the condition in the population tested. In a population with high prevalence, the positive predictive value of the test may be higher, while in a population with low prevalence, false positive results may be more common.

Characteristics of the population being tested, such as age, sex, and comorbidities, which may influence the accuracy of the test.

It is important to note that sensitivity and specificity are not absolute measures of a test’s accuracy, but rather represent a balance between correctly identifying true positives and true negatives. Therefore, the decision to use a particular screening test should be based on a thorough evaluation of its performance characteristics and its suitability for the population being screened.

Considering the aforementioned aspects of sensitivity and specificity, we will be able to accurately address research studies, achieving better results.

2. Building evidence-based practice requires difficult assessment of diagnostic tests and measures. Sensitivity and specificity are vital parameters in identifying the validity of this important study. Sensitivity measures the ability of a test to properly identify individuals with a specific condition, while specificity gauges the ability to correctly identify individuals without the condition. Understanding these metrics is a fundamental advance study for healthcare and research settings for accurate disease identification and treatment planning. Sensitivity, also known as the true positive rate, measures the proportion of actual positives correctly identified by the test. High sensitivity ensures that individuals with the condition are unlikely to be missed, reducing the chances of false negatives. For instance, in cancer screening, a highly sensitive test detects can even detect early-stage of the cancers, leading to timely interventions and improved outcomes and like this be able to act. Sensitivity is crucial when early detection significantly influences patient prognosis, allowing for prompt medical intervention. On the other hand, specificity, or by other definition the true negative rate, reflects the proportion of individuals without the condition who are correctly identified by the test. High specificity minimizes false positives, confirming that healthy individuals are not unnecessarily subjected to further, potentially invasive, testing or treatments. For example, in HIV testing, high specificity is vital to prevent unnecessary emotional distress and healthcare costs resulting from false-positive results. Specificity is particularly important when a positive test result can lead to significant consequences, such as starting potent treatments or imposing lifestyle changes. There is often a difference between sensitivity and specificity. Increasing sensitivity may decrease specificity and vice versa, leading to a balance dilemma. Reaching to an optimal equilibrium is essential; too much focus on sensitivity might lead to overdiagnosis and overtreatment, while too much specificity might result in missed diagnoses. Applying the right balance will help individuals and it will and varies based on the medical condition, available treatments, and potential consequences of false results. 

     In summary, sensitivity and specificity are fundamental components in the screening aspects, tests playing a crucial role in evidence-based practice. Understanding and optimizing these parameters are imperative for clinicians and researchers, ensuring that diagnostic tests are trustworthy, leading to improved patient outcomes. By appreciating the balance between sensitivity and specificity, healthcare professionals can make informed choices, enhancing the quality of care and advancing evidence-based medicine.

Nursing Reflection Assignment

I have attached the guidelines for this assignment

research analysis

Compare hypotension, hypertension, and hypotensive shock in the following areas: clinical manifestations, risk factors, differentials, diagnosis, and management/treatment recommendations. Next answer these questions:

What are the transmission and pathophysiology of the conditions?

What are the primary medical concerns for patients with these conditions?

What might be the primary psychosocial concerns for patients with these conditions?

What are the implications of these conditions for critical care and advanced practice nurses?

300-400 words. APA format. 

demonstrate your understanding of and ability to analyze a root cause of a specific safety concern in a health care setting

The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to analyze a root cause of a specific safety concern in a health care setting. You will create a plan to improve the safety of patients related to the concern of medication administration safety based on the results of your analysis, using the literature and professional best practices as well as the existing resources at your chosen health care setting to provide a rationale for your plan.

Use the Root-Cause Analysis and Improvement Plan [DOCX] Download Root-Cause Analysis and Improvement Plan [DOCX]template to help you to stay organized and concise. This will guide you step-by-step through the root cause analysis process.

Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • Analyze the root cause of a specific patient safety issue in an organization.
  • Apply evidence-based and best-practice strategies to address the safety issue.
  • Create a feasible, evidence-based safety improvement plan to address a specific patient safety issue.
  • Identify organizational resources that could be leveraged to improve your plan.
  • Communicate in writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.


Exercise Content


Principio del formulario

According to you, what are the challenges associated with nursing? Include a summary of your research and how it correlates to the subject you are studying. Identify these challenges and explain their importance in healthcare.


· APA Format 

· MUST utilize credible data sources such as CINAHL, MEDLINE, Embase, ClinicalKey, The Cochrane Library. Library resources can be accessed from the Library page at the website. FNU Librarians are available to assist each student with retrieving the required scholarly content.

· Research paper must be 500 – 650 words. 

· 3 or more scholarly sources must be utilized

· Sources must be within the last 5 years 

· Must have a minimum of 3 Sources 

· All article sources must be cited by including them in reference sheet (separate).

Final del formulario

THEORIES discussion