Quality Management in Logistics and Supply Chain Management IP


Quality Tactics and the Logistics and Supply Chain Functions (300) 

  • Identify what tools are applicable internally and why
  • Identify and explain what tools are applicable externally with vendors 
  • Include your cited references from three new sources

crazy theory d2

Discuss the implications of complexity and chaos theories for use in the advanced nursing leadership role.


Initial Post:

  • Length: 150 – 250 Words

pn 11 m3 written


Respiratory disorder

Nursing homework help

Module 04 Discussion – Personal Mission Statement


Discussion Topic

Top of Form

Activity Time:


Develop and share your personal nursing mission statement. How will this guide and impact your nursing practice now and in the future?

Bottom of Form

w8 87

Discuss the five essential qualities of leadership “will” and at least five strategies the nursing leader can implement to foster willingness and hope among team members.


Initial Post:

cite at least 2 US sources in apa format

  • Length: 150 – 250 Words

case study

 APA and include 2 scholarly references. Answer both case studies on the same document and upload 1 document t 

Unit 2Weekly Clinical Communication and Documentation Requirements. 600w. 3 references. Due 11-11-22



Clinical Decision-Making NU671

Unit 2Weekly Clinical Communication and Documentation Requirements. 600w. 3 references. Due 11-11-22

For this assignment the focus is a 50y/o male patient. construction worker. Came in for follow up after a 2024 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code M75. 102: Unspecified rotator cuff tear or rupture of left shoulder, not specified as traumatic. The injury occurred 1 month prior. The patient has not returned to work since his injury and is suffering from chronic pain, anxiety and depression related to his financial obligations at home. Patient is the head of his household; his wife does not work. He came in for a follow-up with his primary care provider. His blood pressure was also elevated due his stress. He was placed on fluoxetine (Prozac) 20 milligrams (mg) once a day in the morning and Carvedilol 6.25 milligrams (mg) 2 times a day. Over the counter Tylenol and ibuprofen recommended for pain. Patient education was provided regarding medication management and stress management.

1. Clinical Highlights.

· On your journey to become a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner discuss a patient encounter that was particularly interesting and what you learned from it?

· Identify a personal learning need you discovered while assessing or managing a specific diagnosis. What steps will you take to improve your understanding or skills?

2. Looking Ahead

· What clinical goal would you like to tackle next week?

· What is your proposed clinical schedule (date/time/total hours) for next week?

Old assignment-paper
This is the assignment that was completed previous semester. I am retaking this class. The assignments are the same but I cannot submit the same work, the instructor runs all papers through the plagiarism checker. Please redo this assignment so I can resubmit it the content will be the same. Thanks

Unit 3 Weekly Clinical Preceptee Communication And Documentation


Student’s Number

Course Title and Number

Professor’s Name



Unit 3 Weekly Clinical Preceptee Communication And Documentation

Clinical Highlights

I had a patient interaction that was especially intriguing and taught me essential lessons throughout my training to become a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. A session was held with a young adult experiencing acute anxiety and depression. The patient's background of childhood trauma had a significant effect on how she felt mentally. It was challenging to develop a therapeutic connection with her when we first started our session because she looked reserved and guarded. I eventually won her trust through attentive listening and compassionate conversation. I discovered the extent of the patient's emotional suffering as she opened up and the survival skills she had developed. The experience showed me the value of being persistent and patient while establishing a connection with people who have undergone trauma. It reaffirmed how crucial it is to give people a secure, judgment-free area to express their emotions.

The incident also highlighted the challenges of treating coexisting mental health disorders. Her depression and anxiety were linked and exacerbated each other, which posed special difficulties in creating an all-encompassing treatment strategy. I saw the significance of providing mental health treatment using a holistic approach that considers all facets of a patient's life, particularly their social network, way of life, and coping mechanisms.

Personal Learning Need

I discovered a personal learning needs for treating individuals with personality disorders throughout my evaluations and management of various conditions. I found that there was room for development in the areas of understanding and treating borderline personality disorder (BPD). I felt the need to improve my knowledge and abilities since BPD is a complicated and sometimes misunderstood disorder. Acquiring evidence-based clinical knowledge is important in ensuring that people with BPD have better treatment (Iliakis et al., 2019). I have various actions I want to take to increase my knowledge about and management abilities for BPD. I will first do an in-depth study and analyze recent BPD literature to understand the underlying causes, symptoms, and evidence-based treatment options for BPD. This study will help me stay current on the most recent developments and suggestions for treating personality disorders.

I intend to seek mentoring or supervision from seasoned mental health practitioners knowledgeable about treating people with personality problems. Mentoring often provides mental health practitioners with insightful advice that will make them handle challenging situations easier (Zajac et al., 2021). I will look for chances for continuing education relevant to BPD and similar personality disorders. I will be able to communicate with professionals, gain knowledge from practical examples, and have conversations with others with similar learning interests by participating in these educational activities. Ultimately, I want to use my clinical rotations to put my newfound understanding of BPD and its treatment into practice. I may use evidence-based therapies and assess their efficacy while getting feedback from seasoned preceptors by actively interacting with BPD patients.

Looking Ahead

My clinical objective for the coming week is to improve my capacity for performing thorough mental health evaluations. A comprehensive assessment is crucial to psychological mental health practice since it is the basis for a precise diagnosis and efficient treatment planning (Maruish, 2019). The following is the proposed clinical schedule for next week.




Shadow an experienced psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner during patient assessments in the morning. In the afternoon, review assessment tools and protocols.


Conduct mental health assessments under the supervision of a preceptor, focusing on gathering patient history, current symptoms, and potential risk factors.


Attend a workshop on the importance of cultural competence in mental health assessments, exploring techniques for conducting culturally sensitive interviews.


Discuss assessment findings with preceptors, receive feedback, and participate in case discussions with fellow students to learn from their experiences.


Engage in self-directed study, reviewing assessment guidelines and practicing documentation skills to ensure accurate and thorough recording of patient information.

I intend to spend 30 hours on clinical work, education, and independent study during the week. I plan to considerably enhance my assessment abilities as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner by devoting time and effort to this clinical objective and offering better treatment to my future patients.


Iliakis, E. A., Sonley, A. K., Ilagan, G. S., & Choi-Kain, L. W. (2019). Treatment of borderline personality disorder: is supply adequate to meet public health needs?.
Psychiatric Services,
70(9), 772-781.

Maruish, M. E. (2019).
Essentials of treatment planning. John Wiley & Sons.

Zajac, S., Woods, A., Tannenbaum, S., Salas, E., & Holladay, C. L. (2021). Overcoming challenges to teamwork in healthcare: a team effectiveness framework and evidence-based guidance.
Frontiers in Communication,
6, 606445.

PICO question quantitative research article


Choose a topic from the topic list on the attached instructions.

Write a PICO question that relates to your topic.

Find a quantitative nursing research article. Make sure that it is  actually nursing research. You may not use any of the following:

  • A retrospective study
  • A mixed methods study
  • A qualitative research article
  • A systematic review
  • A quality improvement article
  • An evidence based practice article

You may not use the article that is being used for the RACs in this course session.

If you are repeating the class, you may not use the article or topic that you used for your last attempt at this class.

You may receive help from librarians in finding an article, but you  are ultimately responsible for whether it meets requirements or not.

Upload the worksheet and your article. The article must be in pdf format.




Alarm safety




Diabetes management

Discharge teaching


Functional ability

Health and wellbeing of nurses

Hospital readmission rates

Infection control



Prenatal teaching

Prevention of post operative complications

Prevention of pressure ulcers

Sleep disturbances


The article needs to be within a 5 years old, quantitative research article only!


Reflect on this class and what you learned.

life-span development

Autobiographical Developmental Essay Assignment Guide


The Autobiographical Developmental Essay is designed to assist you with identifying, integrating, and applying key concepts from developmental psychology to your own experience as a human. This assignment may also help spark ideas and/or prepare you for the Theory Essay assignment and/or Research Paper assignment later in this course. Please read through this document in its entirety before beginning your work on this assignment. Your Autobiographical Developmental Essay should be approximately 500 words double-spaced, using 12-point font and 1-inch margins. If you are using external research to support your claims, you must cite your
sources with APA citations and an APA reference page.


Read Chapter 1 (Santrock) and reflect on key periods of development, theories of development, and methods for conducting developmental research.

To complete this assignment, you will:

Step 1: Select a developmental period of interest and consider the associated set of prompting questions (see Choosing an experience for your essay, below). You may wish to read through the entire list of developmental periods and consider all questions before choosing. You may also benefit from letting your mind float to different periods of your life, honing in on the developmental periods to which your curiosity and attention are drawn.

Step 2: Decide if you would like to focus on yourself as the subject, someone you know (or knew) well, or a public figure about whom you’ve read a biography or autobiography. If you choose yourself, you may disclose that you are writing about your own experiences and write from a first-person narrative perspective, or you may give yourself a pseudonym and discuss your experiences from a third-person perspective. If you choose someone you know/knew well, please give them a pseudonym. If you choose a public figure, you may disclose who you are writing about and please include the full reference of the biography or autobiography you read.

*Note: Steps 1 and 2 may be iterative, in that you may need to consider both the developmental period and subject (you or someone else) in tandem before choosing a focus for your paper.

Step 3: Write about an event from your life or someone else’s life that occurred during one of these developmental periods. Provide enough information and detail for the reader to understand the event in developmental context. (approximately 1 page)

Step 4: Discuss each of the 3 key developmental issues below (see Chapter 1, Santrock) as each relates to the event you described in Step 3. You should briefly (1-2 sentences) define each developmental issue before discussing how each issue is related to the event. (approximately 1 paragraph each, for a total of approximately 1 page)

Nature and nurture

Stability and change

Continuity and discontinuity

*Note: To complete this step thoroughly, you may need to briefly bring in information from other developmental periods (e.g., when discussing stability and change regarding an event that occurred in early childhood, you may reference the person’s experiences later in adolescence).

Step 5: Choose one of the developmental theories below (as discussed in your text; see Chapter 1, Santrock). Briefly describe the key components of the theory, and discuss in detail how the theory applies to the event you discussed in Step 3. (approximately 1 page)

Psychoanalytic theories (Freud, Erikson)

Cognitive theory (Piaget, Vygotsky, Information-processing theory)

Behavioral theory (Skinner)

Social cognitive theory (Bandura)

Ethological theory (Bowlby)

Ecological theory (Bronfenbrenner)

Choosing an experience for your essay:

Remember: Although a key component of this assignment involves you reflecting on your own experiences throughout your development thus far, you may tailor your response to this assignment to ensure you are both in control of and comfortable with the information you share about your experiences. Thus, you may discuss your personal experiences, your experiences of someone you know well (e.g., friend, relative), or a public figure you’ve read about in a biography or autobiography.

BIOLOGICAL BEGINNINGS (prenatal development/family structures):

Was this person raised by biological or adoptive parents? Is this person a twin? Do they have siblings? What traits appear to “run” in the family (or not)?

INFANCY (approximate ages 0-2):

What do you know about this person’s birth and first year of life (e.g., complicated birth, low birth rate, a stay in the NICU)? Any interesting or unusual circumstances in or around their infancy (early or late to walk/talk)?

EARLY CHILDHOOD (approximate ages 2-6):

What was early family life like for this person? Who lived in the home, and how were they related to one another? Did they attend daycare or were they cared for in the home? What was this person’s earliest memory? What was special in their life at this time?

MIDDLE AND LATE CHILDHOOD (approximate ages 6-11):

What was it like for this person to begin school? How did they get along with other children? What kinds of activities, foods, games, did they enjoy? What did they want to be when they grew up? Any type of pretend play that they especially enjoyed?

ADOLESCENCE (approximate ages 12-18):

What was the transition to adolescence like? Did this person change schools? Were they involved in activities? What did their friendship group look like, and did they have a best friend, a romantic partner? How did friendships change at adolescence, as compared to childhood? How did this person feel about themselves, others, and the world around them?

EARLY ADULTHOOD (approximate ages 18-40):

What course did this person’s life take after reaching the age of majority (18)? Did this person need or have to work? Did they pursue additional training or education? What did their friendships look like as they entered into early adulthood? Any patterns in their romantic relationships? At what age did they begin to take on traditional adult roles (career worker, partner, parent), if at all?

MIDDLE ADULTHOOD (approximate ages 40-65):

Were there any “big” mid-life events that characterized this person’s middle adulthood? How did this person balance responsibilities they may have had (child-raising, taking care of aging parents)? How did physical changes impact their quality of life? What accomplishments did they achieve? Any setbacks or challenges?

LATE ADULTHOOD (approximate ages 66+):

Describe this person’s experiences with aging (cognitively, emotionally, relationally, physically). Were they connected to others? Lonely? If the person worked previously, when did they stop? How did they see themselves with regard to their identity (or various identities) at this stage? What meaning did they make about life and living?

END OF LIFE (any age):

What were the circumstances of this person’s end of life / death? Were there any decisions to be made? How did culture impact the way this person and those around them approached death and dying, or the aftermath?