Nursing D. Saa Cultural APA Assignment 3

  Discussion Post Topic #3: Conduct an evaluation of your current neighborhood or place of work. Are there any population shifts? If so, what are the cultural demographics, and has healthcare made transitions to address these transitions.Sections of the assignment must include:

  • Introduction
  • Focus points covered in the discussion posts
  • Any arguments and rationales for your stance
  • Conclusion or Summary

The components of your APA Assignment includes the following:

  • The assignment must be completed on a word document.
  • Your APA  Assignment must include a title page (Refer to Purdue OWL).
  • All in-text citations must be used when paraphrasing or quoting a previous author.
  • All references must reflect the in-text citations used.
  • All reference sources must be within the past 5 years unless it is the works of a nurse theorist or a significant reference material.
  • The length of the assignment must be 750-1000 words. Please pay attention to spelling and grammar. Points are deducted for repeat offenders.
  • Upon completion of the assignment, you must submit the assignment via, and please note that your plagiarism score should be no more than 20%. If you score higher, please make adjustments.
  • (Please refer to the APA Grading rubric for additional assistance in completing your assignment).
  • You may reach out to the College Writing Center for further assistance.
  • Please refer to the course grading rubric on your syllabus for assignment specifics.

Nursing assignment 1 due in 5 -6 days


mental health





Please Reply to the following 2 Discussion Posts:

Please see the attachment for the instructions

Nursing Discussion assignment

Discussion: Write at least 2 paragraph with citations in APA format.

Explain the meaning of an asset-based approach to health improvement.

· Provide an example of how positive resources available to individuals and communities enable them to gain more control over their lives and circumstances.

· Describe two to three implications for nursing practice including the cultural aspects.

Reply to the two discussions below (You do not need to use the same citation in the responses to the discussions.

Discussion #1

Hi Angelica, I agree with your view of the asset-based approach and its significance in healthcare. I think it means focusing on community resources that could promote health and well-being. Cassetti et al. (2019) explain that health assets are resources such as skills that improve people’s ability to maintain health. I have also thought that resources are a primary strength in communities that empower individuals and help in overcoming health promotion obstacles. Your example of using written or visual communication to overcome language barriers demonstrates the significance of utilizing community resources. In this scenario, some community members could have the ability to translate health promotion materials using local language. Nurses should build healthy relationships with such individuals to effectively advance individual well-being. I agree with your suggestions for nursing practice—practitioners should understand and respect communities’ communication styles. Do you think cultural competence is a vital element in an asset-based approach?    


Cassetti, V., Powell, K., Barnes, A., & Sanders, T. (2019). A systematic scoping review of asset-based approaches to promote health in communities: Development of a framework. 
Global Health Promotion
27(3), 175797591984892.

Discussion #2

Asset-based approaches to health promotion have become increasingly popular to tackle health inequalities by empowering people in more disadvantaged communities to use local resources and increase control over health and its determinants (Cassetti et al, 2019).  This approach focuses on resources available in the community and using those resources to address healthcare disparities facing the underserved communities.

I moved to Salt Lake City, UT from another country about 15 years ago; one of the resources I got connected early on and found very successful across the immigrants’ communities is a community gardening program run by local nonprofit, county, and city government. It is called ‘New Roots’ program (New roots in Salt Lake City, n.d.). It provides garden plots, technical support, seeds and other resources for local refugee and immigrants community to grow seasonal vegetables and help them sell those in local farmers’ markets. Fresh produces are sold weekly; individuals who have Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) will be able to use it to buy double the produce than in local markets through match from grants. This asset-based approach provides immigrants with sense of ownership of gardens, sense of community, physical and mental exercises, fresh produces, and an ability to earn some money through selling produces.

Mental health, social work, and nursing embrace an asset-based approach to assessment within the health promotion context (Edelman & Kudzma, 2021, p. 146). Nurses can use asset-based approach in identifying gaps in services for the patients/families we are caring for and connect them to available resources to address their needs. Nurses are members of the community, and it is very crucial for us as nurses to be aware of the health care context, service gaps and resources in our community, especially when we are working with individuals from underserved communities.


Cassetti, V., Powell, K., Barnes, A., & Sanders, T. (2019). A systematic scoping review of asset-based approaches to promote health in communities: development of a framework. 
Global Health Promotion
27(3), 15–23. to an external site.

Edelman, C., & Kudzma, E. C. (2021). 
Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span – E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

New roots in Salt Lake City. (n.d.). The IRC. to an external site.


Please review the complete instructions.

comprehensive diabetes care

comprehensive diabetes care

chapt 6

1. Read the 

Article – Essentials of Advocacy in Case Management

 Download Article – Essentials of Advocacy in Case Management
, and then, answer the following questions:

a. Case Managers have four duties as described in the article. What are they?

b. What dilemma are Case Managers presented with everyday they practice?

c. What is the relationship between advocacy and provider-driven ?

d. Give four examples of case manager advocacy that are mentioned in the article.

e. Name four Four Basic Perspectives on Advocacy in Case Management Practice.

f. Case management advocacy consists of seven areas of focus. What are they?

2. Your paper should be:

3. One (1) page

. Typed according to 

APA Writing StyleLinks to an external site.
 for margins, formatting and spacing standards.

. Typed your paper in a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file.

Health equity

Define and describe Health equity. What are some of the problems and Risks factors associated with health equity. please do this in about 4 -5  bullet points.  


For this assignment you will be asked to apply course concepts and learn to develop one Literature Review Table that includes 2 articles.

Please use the Literature Review Template provided within the course content and the evidence rating scale adapted from Melnyk found in course content. There is a video explaining how to complete the table in your course content.

Will I be adding this assignment to the final paper? Yes! The completed Literature Review Table from this week will be used again in the Appendix of your research paper (future assignment).

Will I need to create new literature review tables again for the final paper? No-this is the only assignment you’ll use the table format for. You will summarize 5 additional research articles in the Findings section of your Research Review, so please save those for the future.

Key Information for this assignment:

· You should not copy information from the research you obtain. All information from the research should be paraphrased in your own words (less than 6 words in one sentence should match). Plagiarism checkers should result in less than 10% for the literature review tables.

· All Searches for your Research Review must be completed through the Minnesota State University, Mankato library. Online searches will not be accepted with the exception of Google Scholar. Supply a pdf of your 2 full text articles in the drobox with your literature review table. Do not send links.

· A Data Search Table must be submitted with the Literature Review Assignment and is worth 5 points. Please provide a screen shot of one of your key term searches within the library databases.


Possible Points

Points Earned


Article title, author, and date is listed in APA format and is current (not older than 5 years)


List the reference as a citation in the text would be cited. Include the reference in the reference section of the paper.

Purpose of article is clear and paraphrased from the article


Why was the research conducted? What was the goal /discovery that researcher was trying to achieve

Sample size of study article used is stated and numeric values are given (when applicable)


N=total number


Study Design is clearly stated, and level of evidence is provided correctly (Evidence Rating Pyramid adapted from Melnyk in course content)

Strongest, stronger, strong, moderate, weak, weakest


Include design Quantitative, qualitative design, meta-analysis: retrospective chart review, surveys, etc.

Where does this fall Evidence pyramid Melnyk?

Variables/measurement included briefly; reliability of measurement data is included


Statistical test used for quantitative; qualitative may use pain score, survey, depression rating scale etc.

Results/findings are clear and statistical significance is included (for example p value)


Findings should have an associated statistical value if quantitative, if qualitative may have results of response to treatment 26 had pain relieved vs 13 did not….

Implications of research for nursing practice and how they apply to or support your research topic

Should include limitations


Did this article support your PICO? Did it lead you to search in a different direction? Does it demonstrate that there is not enough research to support a practice change

Correct APA format, free of spelling and grammatical errors


Follow APA for listing authors Page 286 7th ed.

Includes Data Search Table completed with search terms and screen shot of one search from table

