Comparing Humanistic Existential Psychotherapy with Other Approaches

See attached . Please ensure the there is an introduction and conclusion.  Three pages without the cover page and reference page with a minimum of five journal articles.  Assignment should be written in APA 7 format to include subtitles. 


** Read the document, NCLEX-RN Test Plan version (April 2023) pdf that is posted below.

Respond to the following:

Question will be posted in chat

annual wellness check up

in a maximun of 500words describe why an annual wellness check out is an important way of preventive care and why screenings tests are performed. Base on the united states preventive care task force specify which tests are ordered on a wellness visit for a 55 years old male who has not have an check up since the last 10 years, what education and recommendations would you provide. Use APA 7 format and support with scholarly references no older than 5 years old.

nurse discussion

How can healthcare providers account for the age-related changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics that impact medication absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, and what strategies can be used to adjust medication regimens for older adult patients to minimize the risk of adverse drug reactions and medication errors? 



..heart disease remains the No. 1 killer in America; nearly half of all Americans have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or smoke—some of the leading risk factors for heart disease…

—Murphy et al., 2018

Despite the high mortality rates associated with cardiovascular disorders, improved treatment options do exist that can help address those risk factors that afflict the majority of the population today.

As an advanced practice nurse, it is your responsibility to recommend appropriate treatment options for patients with cardiovascular disorders. To ensure the safety and effectiveness of drug therapy, advanced practice nurses must consider aspects that might influence pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes such as medical history, other drugs currently prescribed, and individual patient factors.

Reference: Murphy, S. L., Xu, J., Kochanek, K. D., & Arias, E. (2018). Mortality in the United States, 2017. Retrieved from

Research Table (Healthcare)

Due 10/4   5 pm EST

Please Follow instructions. attach article


see below

see below 

Leadership Styles Response

Chapter 16 Assignment

Graded Icon


  1. Read the Article – Meeting the Challenges of Nursing Staff Education, and then answer the following questions:
    1. List the unit you are working in (if not working, then use ICU as the model)
    2. Considering the unit you are working in presently, what educational needs do you think that you or any nurse working on the unit would need in the next two years (State requirements every two years + certifications (hint: AACN website- pick at least one)
    3. What other training would you anticipate that you would need?
  2. Your paper should be:
  3. One (1) page
    • Typed according to APA Writing Style for margins, formatting, and spacing standards.
    • Typed your paper in a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file.