Nursing Research



The background and significance (B&S) paper is a five (5) page paper in APA format (excluding title page, abstract, references and appendices) that could form the introductory section of your clinical scholarly project. 

The B&S will introduce a clinical problem and the clinical context that led you to identify the clinical question. You will review the relevant background literature and theory related to the problem. You will discuss the relevance of this review to a local clinical setting at the unit, organizational, metropolitan, state, national, and international levels as applicable. 

You will discuss the potential benefits and challenges of addressing the clinical question in the local setting, and explore the larger contextual impact related to this problem. 

Please note, this paper will discuss the introductory background literature and theoretical basis related to a clinical problem. 

Clinical Topic Assigned: The Prevalence of Depression and Suicide Ideation Among Adolescents.

Week 5 Reflection


  • In what ways could an understanding of systems theory and complexity science impact the role of the NP?
  • Take a few minutes to reflect on the NP practice model that is most predominant in advanced practice environments you have observed. Are you satisfied with the demonstrated level of interprofessional collaboration?
  • Briefly consider what appears to be the driving practice model for advanced practice nursing in your state. If your state lags behind in its practice model language, what might you do to facilitate change?

M6 prep

Please follow all directions 

topic : diabetes 

Week 7 discussion

Please the PP presentation assignment in order to complete this week discussion.



To Prepare:

  • Review the Congress website provided in the Resources and identify one recent (within the past 5 years) proposed health policy.
  • Review the health policy you identified and reflect on the background and development of this health policy.

Post a description of the health policy you selected and a brief background for the problem or issue being addressed. Which social determinant most affects this policy? Explain whether you believe there is an evidence base to support the proposed policy and explain why. Be specific and provide examples.




 This week we have an assignment regarding the neurologic and musculoskeletal system.  Please use the following interactive media case for your paper:



 For your Assignment, your Instructor will assign you one of the decision tree interactive media pieces provided in the Resources. As you examine the patient case studies in this module’s Resources, consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting symptoms of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders. 

To Prepare:

  • Review the interactive media piece assigned by your Instructor. 
  • Reflect on the patient’s symptoms and aspects of the disorder presented in the interactive media piece.
  • Consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting with the symptoms of the patient case study you were assigned.
  • You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the diagnosis and treatment for this patient. Reflect on potential co-morbid physical as well as patient factors that might impact the patient’s diagnosis and treatment.


Write a 1- to 2-page summary paper that addresses the following:

  • Briefly summarize the patient case study you were assigned, including each of the three decisions you took for the patient presented.
  • Based on the decisions you recommended for the patient case study, explain whether you believe the decisions provided were supported by the evidence-based literature. Be specific and provide examples. Be sure to support your response with evidence and references from outside resources.
  • What were you hoping to achieve with the decisions you recommended for the patient case study you were assigned? Support your response with evidence and references from outside resources.
  • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with each of the decisions and the results of the decision in the exercise. Describe whether they were different. Be specific and provide examples.

theory of Self-Efficacy

Using the criteria presented in week 2, critique the theory of Self-Efficacy using the internal and external criticism evaluation process.

This is the criteria presented in week 2 “Making judgement as to whether a theory could be adapted for use in research is very important.  Describe the internal and external criticism that is used to evaluate middle range theories.” I have attached work from week 2 as reference 

Require 400 words and at least 3 scholarly references no later than 5 years old. 

No Plagiarism

Topic Selection: COVID-19


Global Health infographic Assignment Guidelines and Rubric


  • This assignment aims to enhance your understanding of key global health issues and competencies by creating an informative and visually appealing infographic.

Topic Selection

  • Choose a Global Health Issue: Select a specific global health issue that aligns with the global health determinants. Ensure the issue is complex and multifaceted.

Research and Data Gathering

  • In-Depth Research: Conduct comprehensive research on your chosen global health issue. Gather data, evidence-based information, and epidemiological trends from reputable sources.

Infographic Creation

  • Organize your infographic into the following sections, aligning with the competencies:
    • Analyzing and Prioritizing Global Health Issues
      • Issue Highlight: Provide a concise title or introduction for your chosen global health issue.
      • Data and Trends: Present data, statistics, and trends related to the issue from diverse and credible sources.
      • Rationale: Explain why this issue is a significant health challenge in various populations and regions, considering social, economic, and environmental factors.
    • Evaluating Socioeconomic Impact
      • Visual Representation: Use graphics, charts, or diagrams to illustrate how socioeconomic factors influence health outcomes.
      • Relationship Visualization: Create visual elements that show the interplay between poverty, education, access to healthcare, and disease prevalence.
      • Brief Strategies: Offer brief insights or strategies to address health disparities related to socioeconomic factors.
    • Examining Ethical Implications
      • Ethical Context: Include a dedicated section highlighting the ethical dimensions of your chosen global health issue.
      • Specific Issues: Identify and visually represent specific ethical dilemmas or human rights violations associated with the issue.
      • Ethical Solutions: Suggest interventions or ethical approaches to protect vulnerable populations and ensure ethical healthcare practices.
    • Culturally Sensitive Health Promotion
      • Cultural Sensitivity: Emphasize the importance of cultural sensitivity in health promotion.
      • Cultural Impact: Provide examples or visuals depicting how cultural diversity impacts health outcomes.
      • Age-Appropriate Interventions: Suggest culturally sensitive interventions for different age groups, with a focus on preventive care.
    • Interprofessional Collaboration
      • Visualize Collaboration: Create visuals that represent the concept of interprofessional collaboration in the context of global health.
      • Communication and Coordination: Include elements that emphasize effective communication, coordination, and teamwork among diverse healthcare professionals and stakeholders.
      • Benefits of Diversity: Highlight the benefits of integrating diverse perspectives and expertise in addressing global health challenges.

APA Guidelines

  • Title of the Infographic Assignment
  • Your Name
  • Institutional Affiliation
  • Date
  • In-Text Citations
    • If you use information or data from sources within your infographic, provide in-text citations. Use author-date format. For example: (Smith, 2022) or (World Health Organization, 2020).
  • References List
    • If you refer to sources within your infographic, include a separate reference list. Format it according to APA style. Each source cited in your infographic should have a corresponding full citation in the reference list.
    • Use minimally 3 peer reviewed sources, written within the last 5 years.
  • Fonts and Formatting
    • Ensure your infographic is legible by using a clear and consistent font style and size.
  • Figures and Images
    • If your infographic includes figures, charts, or images from external sources, cite them in the figure caption, and include the full citation in your reference list.
  • Submission Format
    • PowerPoint, PDF, PNG or JPEG


What areas related to test-taking do you feel need improvement? What strategies could you utilize to improve your own test-taking skills? List a minimum of five strategies you have identified that will assist in your successful outcome.

Your initial response to the post should be 400 words in length and include proper APA formatting when referencing your resources.



Please see attached document. Response to the question should have depth and include enriching posts with applicable nursing implication(practice, education, research, or advocacy), current events, personal thoughts. Please provide in text scientific citations.