
 Risk factors among your top two or three priorities for a hypertensive patient, and what interventions or recommendations 

Assessment Description

Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue.

  1. Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and define the ethical parameters regarding what you can and cannot share with the parent or guardian.
  2. Discuss support options for adolescents encountering external stressors. Include specific support options for the contemporary issue you presented. 

week 4

Your patient is a 23-year-old female. She presents with coughing and wheezing which she stated started about three weeks ago. She is currently 25 weeks pregnant. Her last prenatal visit was one month ago in another state. She has an appointment with the prenatal care provider next week, however her respiratory symptoms brought her to your office today.

History – Chickenpox as a child. Asthma as a child, diagnosed at age 8 for which she used a SABA when needed. She has not had the need to use an inhaler since she was 19. She takes only her prenatal vitamin. No other acute or chronic problems. She advises you that she is up to date on all immunizations except she has not had a flu shot (it is October).
Social – Non-smoker, no drug use. She relocated to your state two weeks ago to get away from an abusive domestic situation. She has no support network in this area and has not yet found employment. She has no medical insurance.

HPA – Non-productive cough x 3 weeks. Wheezing audible from across the room. She states it is like this all day and wakes her from sleep every night. She reports that she is fatigued even in the morning. No other complaints.

PE/ROS – Pt appears disheveled but clean. Wheezing in all lung fields. T 98, P 82 regular, R 28 no stridor. FH 130 regular. The remainder of the exam is WNL.

02 98% and FEV 70%


1. Construct a narrative document of 4-5 pages (not including cover page or reference page)

2. Diagnose the patient based on the above findings and provide your rationale for how you arrived at the diagnosis.

3. Develop a treatment plan specifically for this patient, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic.

4. Describe community resources (using your own community) currently available in your state/city to support this patient.

5. Provide a communication plan that you will use to ensure the patient is an active participant in the treatment plan. Refer to therapeutic communication concepts.

6. Utilize national standards, your pharm and/or patho book, and medical or advanced practice professional sources. Do not use patient-facing sources or general nursing texts.

7. Use references to support your concepts. Utilize correct APA formatting (7th edition) and mechanics of professional communication.

Before finalizing your work, you should:

Read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);

Consult the Grading Rubric (under Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary.

Your writing assignment should:

· Follow the conventions of 
Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, mechanics, etc.);

· Be 
well organized, logical, and 
unified, as well as 
original and insightful;

· Utilize correct APA formatting, 7th edition.

· Submit to, and review results of Turnitin. Purdue University Global Student Conduct policy as it relates to plagiarism will be adhered to in this course.

Rubric Title: MN553 Unit 4 Assignment Rubric

Assignment Criteria

Level III

Level II

Level I

Not Present

Criteria 1

Level III Max Points

Points: 10

Level II Max Points

Points: 8

Level I Max Points

Points: 6

Not Present

0 Points

Diagnosing the patient

· An accurate diagnosis with correct staging is provided

· Rationale for arrival at the diagnosis with support from national guidelines is provided

· An accurate diagnosis is provided with staging that may not be correct

· Rationale for the diagnosis is provided without support

· An accurate diagnosis is provided with staging that may not be correct

· Rationale for the diagnosis is provided without support

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 2

Level III Max Points

Points: 10

Level II Max Points

Points: 8

Level I Max Points

Points: 6

Not Present

0 Points

Providing pharmacologic intervention

· Correct medications are prescribed to treat the diagnosis

· Rational for medications prescribed adheres to national guidelines


· 50% of correct medications are prescribed

· Rational to support prescribed medications is provided and adheres to national guidelines

· Less than 50% of the correct medications are prescribed

· Rational to support the prescribed medications is not present or does not adhere to national guidelines

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 3

Level III Max Points

Points: 5

Level II Max Points


Level I Max Points


Not Present

0 Points

Providing non-pharmacologic interventions

· Five or more non-pharmacologic interventions are provided

· Three or four non-pharmacologic interventions are noted

One or two non-pharmacologic interventions

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 4

Level III Max Points

Points: 10

Level II Max Points

Points: 7

Level I Max Points

Points: 0

Not Present

0 Points

Writing a communication plan

· A communication plan which includes principles of therapeutic communication is developed

· A communication plan that does not include principles of therapeutic communication is developed

· Does not meet the criteria

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 5

Level III Max Points

Points: 10

Level II Max Points

Points: 7

Level I Max Points

Points: 4

Not Present

0 Points

Community Resources

· Three or more local community resources are provided

· Two local community resources are provided

· One local community resource is provided or:

· Resources are provided but they are not local to the community

· Does not meet the criteria

Criteria 6

Level III Max Points

Points: 10

Level II Max Points

Points: 8

Level I Max Points

Points: 6

Not Present

0 Points

College-level academic writing

· Professional, peer-reviewed, advanced practice references are used

· Grammar and mechanics of writing demonstrate graduate level work

· Adheres to page number requirements

· The majority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practice

· Errors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present but do not interfere with readability

· Adheres to page number requirements

· The majority of references used are professional, peer-reviewed and advanced practice

· Errors in grammar or mechanics of writing are present but do not interfere with readability

· Does not adhere to page number requirements

· Does not meet the criteria

Maximum Total Points





Minimum Total Points

45 points minimum

34 points minimum

1 point minimum


social determinants of health

What are social determinants of health? Explain how social determinants of health contribute to the development of disease. Describe the fundamental idea that the communicable disease chain model is designed to represent. Evaluate the steps a nurse can take to break the link within the communicable disease chain.

Resources within your text covering international/global health, and the websites in the topic Resources, will assist you in answering this discussion question.

Week 7 Discussion

NSG 3200 – Health Promotion

Week 7 – Discussion

Please note there are two parts to this week's discussion.

Part 1 – This week as we explore current legislative efforts, health care policies, and the need for health promotion in our communities, please visit the ANA webpage related to advocacy issues in nursing practice today 
(See the pdf with the links attached) When entering the web page, you will need to scroll down the page and choose one of the following issues highlighted: Health Care Reform, Safe Staffing, Nurse Workforce Development, or Home Health. Based on your selection of topics, address the following in your discussion post:

· How does this issue affect your practice and the health promotion topic of your choice?

· From what you learned at the site, name a minimum of two actions that are currently in place to address this issue.

· Provide a minimum of two ways you as a professional nurse can become involved with this issue.

· Be sure you have referenced the ANA website in APA format and provided in-text citations where you used the information from ANA in your post.

Part 2 – Many of the advocacy issues in nursing practice impact the work environment of nurses. It is important for nurses to care for themselves so that they can best care for their patients. Consider the information covered in this unit regarding self-care and respond to the following questions:

· What are the signs that someone is experiencing burnout?

· What are some evidence-based strategies you can implement to help prevent burnout and build resilience?

Support your response with in-text citations and APA-formatted scholarly references.

Create a 2-4 page report on an interview you have conducted with a health care professional. Identify an issue from the interview that could be improved with an interdisciplinary approach, and review best practices and evidence to address the issue.


For this assessment, you will report on the information that you collected in your interview, analyzing the interview data and identifying a past or current issue that would benefit from an interdisciplinary approach. This could be an issue that has not been addressed by an interdisciplinary approach or one that could benefit from improvements related to the interdisciplinary approach currently being used. You will discuss the interview strategy that you used to collect information. Your interview strategy should be supported by citations from the literature. Additionally, you will start laying the foundation for your Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal (Assessment 3) by researching potential change theories, leadership strategies, and collaboration approaches that could be relevant to issue you have identified. Please be certain to review the scoring guide to confirm specific required elements of this assessment. Note that there are differences between basic, proficient and distinguished scores.

When submitting your plan, use the Interview and Issue Identification Template [DOCX],  Download Interview and Issue Identification Template [DOCX],which will help you to stay organized and concise. As you complete the template, make sure you use APA format for in-text citations for the evidence and best practices that are informing your plan, as well as for the reference list at the end.

Additionally, be sure to address the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

  • Summarize an interview focused on past or current issues at a health care organization.
  • Identify an issue from an interview for which an evidence-based interdisciplinary approach would be appropriate.
  • Describe potential change theories and leadership strategies that could inform an interdisciplinary solution to an organizational issue.
  • Describe collaboration approaches from the literature that could facilitate establishing or improving an interdisciplinary team to address an organizational issue.
  • Communicate with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, and using current APA style.
  • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your central ideas. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.
  • APA formatting: Make sure that in-text citations and reference list follow current APA style.



Prepare a spiritual workshop discussing the “spiritual care to Christian elderly during dying and death process.”

1. Create a plan for caring for the spiritual needs of elderly Christians during dying process and death. 

2. Include 2 learning outcomes.

3. Include 2 learning activities 

Document this in 2-page word document. Include a minimum of 4 articles published in the last 5 years.

As a nurse, how often have you thought to yourself, If I had anything to do about it, things would work a little differently? Increasingly, nurses are beginning to realize that they do, in fact, have a role and a voice.

 As a nurse, how often have you thought to yourself, If I had anything to do about it, things would work a little differently? Increasingly, nurses are beginning to realize that they do, in fact, have a role and a voice. 

SCOT analysis of Hypertension in the homeless population

Please see the attachment for the instructions





       John Green’s case presents several socioeconomic, spiritual,  lifestyle, and cultural factors that should be considered when  interacting with him as a healthcare provider.

  1. Gender Identity and Transition: John identifies as a  male but was assigned female at birth. Understanding his gender  identity and history of transitioning is crucial for providing sensitive  and appropriate care (Coleman, 2019). Questions might include:
    • Could you please share more about your gender transition journey and any specific healthcare needs related to it?
    • Are there any gender-specific health concerns or challenges you’d like to discuss?
  2. Unemployment and Financial Situation: John is  currently unemployed and has concerns about being a burden on his  family. Exploring his financial situation, any potential stressors  related to unemployment, and his support system is important (Coleman,  2019). Questions could include:
    • Can you tell me more about your current employment situation and any financial stress you might be experiencing?
    • Do you have a support network that you can rely on during this period of unemployment?
  3. Substance Use: John’s smoking and marijuana use can  have a significant impact on his health. It’s important to assess the  frequency and quantity of use and discuss potential health risks  associated with these behaviors. Questions might include:
    • Can you share more about your smoking habits, including when you started and how many cigarettes you smoke daily?
    • Tell me about your marijuana use. How often do you use it, and in what quantities?
  4. Depression: John mentions experiencing episodes of  depression. Exploring the severity, triggers, and coping mechanisms  related to his depression is important for providing mental health  support. Questions could include:
    • Could you describe your experiences with depression, including when it started and how it affects your daily life?
    • Have you sought any mental health support or counseling for your depression?
  5. HIV Status and Medication: Understanding John’s HIV  status, treatment regimen, and adherence is critical for assessing his  overall health (CDC,2020). Questions might include:
    • Can you provide more information about your HIV diagnosis, including how you’re managing it?
    • How has your experience with HIV treatment been, and have you encountered any challenges or side effects?
  6. Social Support and Family Dynamics: John has moved  back home with his parents. Exploring his relationship with his family  and the impact of this living arrangement on his mental and emotional  well-being is essential. Questions could include:
    • How is your relationship with your family, especially since you moved back home?
    • Are there any specific challenges or stressors related to living with your parents that you’d like to discuss?
  7. Spiritual and Cultural Beliefs: Assessing John’s  spiritual and cultural beliefs can help tailor care to his preferences  (Young             et al.,2016). Questions might include:
    • Do you have any spiritual or cultural practices that are important  to you, and would you like them to be incorporated into your healthcare?
  8. Access to Healthcare: John mentions obtaining  testosterone online and receiving HIV medication by mail. Understanding  his access to healthcare and the reliability of these sources is crucial  (Ball et al., 2023). Questions could include:
    • How have you been obtaining your medications, and do you have concerns about their source or quality?
    • Have you faced any barriers to accessing healthcare, such as cost or transportation?

Sensitivity to John’s unique experiences and challenges related to  his gender identity, unemployment, substance use, mental health, and HIV  status is essential to providing patient-centered care. Building  rapport and trust through open and non-judgmental communication is key  to addressing his healthcare needs effectively.