
Part I: How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens – Outline


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

· Textbook: Chapter 11, 12

· Lesson

· Minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.


This assignment is comprised of 2 parts, the first of which is due this week. Part II will be due in Week 7.

In Part I this week, choose a case from your state that involves civil rights or civil liberties that was decided by the United States Supreme Court. If your state does not have a case that was decided by the United States Supreme Court, choose a civil rights case from another state for which the United States Supreme Court issued a decision.

Here is a brief description of civil rights and civil liberties: Civil rights refers to equal social opportunities under the law. It gives you these freedoms such as the right to vote, the right to public education, or a fair trial, among other things, regardless of your wealth or race. Civil liberties mean freedom of religion, equal treatment and due process under the law, and the right to privacy.

You should be able to go online and look up your state and famous cases decided by the Supreme Court. For example,
Brown v Board of Education (1951) started in Topeka, Kansas, and ended up in the Supreme Court of the United States. Another example would be
Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley v Steve Sisolak, Governor of Nevada (2020) that started in Nevada and ended up the United States Supreme Court. A good source of information about cases decided by the United States Supreme Court is www.scotusblog.com. Other sources can be researched online using search terms for “civil rights cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.” Be sure to use a case
actually decided by the United States Supreme Court, and not a case decided by your state’s supreme court or a different court. A case that is still pending before the United States Supreme Court should
not be used. If you are unsure, please contact your Professor
BEFORE you pick your case and submit the assignment
as this is a significant part of your overall grade.

Research your court case and write an outline of the case that you will be using to prepare a presentation, which will either be a narrated PowerPoint, a Kaltura Video, or some other format as approved by your instructor.
If you are unsure, then verify the presentation format with your instructor before starting work on this assignment.

This week's assignment should include (a) summary of the case; (b) a case outline; and a summary.

Summary of the Case

In one or two paragraphs, provide a general overview of the case that serves as a snapshot of what the case is about and how it ended up in your state high court. A summary is using your words to write a brief history of the case. Do not give your opinion or your interpretation but stick to the facts only.

Case Outline

Your court case outline should include:

Title: Name of the case

Facts of the case: Provide key facts involving the case.

History of the case: What legal action was taken based on what your state laws say about this case?

Legal questions: What were the legal issues the court had to decide?

Decision or holdings: Did the court decide for the plaintiff or the defendant? Explain the reason behind the decision?

Verdict and opinion (judgement): What were the concurring and dissenting opinions? How many judges decided for the defendant and how many justices decided against the defendant? What was the final verdict from the judge or the jury, if it was a jury trial?


What was the resulting impact of the ruling? How did the citizens of your state benefit from it? Was this a good decision?


· The length of your outline will vary. Usually an outline is anywhere from 1-3 pages long. Make sure to write full sentences to explain your case. It is a concise list to be used as a reference for you during the presentation.
Using the outline, you will be describing the court case in your presentation and the scenario around the court case. The use of Wikipedia as a primary source of information is to be avoided – it is not a reliable source of information.

Search for an example of a case outline in the Internet. Without going into much detail at this state, each of the items listed above has a subject sentence with 3-6 bullet points that can help you expand on the topic.
For Week 7, you will be creating a narrated PowerPoint, or a video as approved by your instructor, from this week's outline.

· 1-inch margins

· Double spaced

· 12-point Times New Roman font

· Title page

· References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to textbook if cited)


The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition

· Or
[email protected]

· PWD: Bryanthierry@09

Nursing Pathophysiology case study assignment


Assignment #1: Musculoskeletal Conditions 

Please kindly use (APA, 7th ed.) references separately under each question.

Case Study 

Mrs. L is a 63-year-old woman who reports constant back pain. Further inquiry into her medical history revealed that over the past 3 years, she has suffered fractures of her femur and wrist after minor falls. She experienced menopause at age 49. Mrs. L has a secretarial job, drives to work, and she “does not have time for exercise.” She reports that she consumes 8 to 10 cups of coffee a day and has been a smoker most of her adult life. She has not seen her physician recently nor had a recommended bone density test because of the time and cost involved.


. Relate Mrs. L’s history to the diagnosis of osteoporosis. What risk factors are present,

  and how does each predispose to decreased bone density?

. Explain the cause of pathological fractures in this patient.

. How could osteoporosis have been prevented in Mrs. L? 

. Discuss the treatments available to the patient.

Assignment  #2: Cardiovascular system 

Please kindly use (APA, 7th ed.) references separately under each question.

Case Study: 

Mr. K. is a 57-year-old man who consulted his physician after noticing marked leg pains while playing golf. He had previously noticed increasing fatigue and discomfort in his legs associated with moderate exercise. When sitting for extended periods with legs dangling, his legs became red, and sometimes his feet felt numb. His history indicates he smokes cigarettes and is chronically overweight. His blood cholesterol and other lipid levels are abnormal, and his physician suspects peripheral atherosclerosis as the cause of his discomfort.


. Discuss the development of atherosclerosis, including the predisposing factors in this 

case and the pathophysiological changes. 

. Discuss the complications that might develop in this patient.

. Discuss the treatments for all aspects of the patient’s condition, including slowing the progress of the atherosclerosis, maintaining circulation in the leg, and treating complications.

Assignment #3: The Central Nervous system 

Please kindly use (APA, 7th ed.) references separately under each question.

Case Study 

Ms. J, a 19-year-old college student, has been living in a dormitory on campus. She began experiencing severe headaches, neck pain, and nuchal rigidity, along with irritability and nausea. She noticed that when lying with her hips flexed, she found it very hard to stretch out her legs. Within a day her condition deteriorated, she experienced a tonic-clonic seizure, and she was quickly admitted to the hospital. Tests revealed increased intracranial pressure, fever, and leukocytosis. Bacterial meningitis was suspected, and a lumbar puncture was scheduled.


. Describe the pathophysiologic changes associated with bacterial meningitis.

. Discuss the diagnostic tests available for identifying meningitis. What are the likely 

characteristics of the CSF to be found in this case?

. Which signs indicating elevated intracranial pressure are likely to be present?

. Discuss the treatments available to help this patient and possible long-term 


Assignment #4: Shock 

Please kindly use (APA, 7th ed.) references separately under each question.

Case Study 

Ms. L, a 19-year-old woman with no previous medical history, was involved in a serious automobile accident in which her best friend died. Examination by EMT personnel first on the scene revealed she had only minor scrapes and bruises and no sign of head trauma. While in route by ambulance to the hospital, Ms. L complained of thirst and appeared restless. Further examination indicated a rapid pulse and respirations, with her blood pressure now at 100/60 mm Hg. She appeared less responsive to the paramedics. She was slipping into circulatory shock as they checked her again for internal injuries.


. Discuss the contributing factors to shock in this case and the pathophysiologic 

changes causing the changes in vital signs. 

. Discuss the signs and symptoms of shock, including the rationale for each, as seen in 

the early stage, and as compensation mechanisms respond.

. Discuss emergency and follow-up treatment for shock and for complications that may

 arise if not treated quickly.

. Compare the types of shock, giving a specific cause, classification, and any significant 

changes in onset or manifestations.

Nursing NUR 445 – Week 6 Assignment: Case Study Part I

This week, you will complete Case Study Part 1:

SECTION 1 BACKGROUND: IDENTIFYING A PROBLEM Eleanor is a 52-year-old patient who has had a hip replacement 1 day ago who is on your assigned patient care team. You complete patient care rounds and assess Eleanor’s vital signs, comfort level, intravenous (IV) site and wound dressing. Eleanor has an IV for fluid replacement and medication administration. She also has an indwelling urinary catheter. She tells you that her pain level is a 4 out of 10 and she is reluctant to move around because of the pain. You know that the patient’s pain control is a high priority and that the physician ordered the indwelling urinary catheter until the patient is able to get out of bed easily and tolerate fluids. The urinary catheter is convenient in that the patient will not experience pain getting up to the bathroom and it provides an accurate measurement of output. On the other hand, you know that the longer the indwelling urinary catheter is in place, the higher the risk of an infection. You ask a trusted senior nurse when is the right time to remove the catheter since Eleanor is now tolerating ice chips. The senior nurse tells you that the catheter is usually kept until the patient is able to get up and ambulate independently. You wonder if there are any contraindications or problems with removing Eleanor’s indwelling catheter now. You decide to follow the senior nurse’s advice, leaving the indwelling urinary catheter in place and reevaluate for removal in the morning. 

SECTION II BACKGROUND: INTERPROFESSIONAL TEAMS AND STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT This section is focused on the identification of a clinical problem and the steps of forming an interprofessional team to work on fixing the problem. The intent is to understand who are the stakeholders for this problem and the importance of engaging stakeholders in the quality improvement (QI) project. Examine the problem of CAUTIs holistically to identify stakeholders. You return to work the next day to learn that Eleanor has a low-grade fever of 99.8° F that was reported to the physician. The physician ordered an immediate urine culture and removal of the catheter the previous afternoon. The urine culture was positive for Escherichia coli, representing the presence of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI). During the bedside report, you find that although Eleanor states she is tired, she is able to get up to the bathroom with a walker independently. She is also tolerating oral fluids and foods. The presence of the CAUTI bothered you enough that you spoke to your Unit Director about looking into evidence-based interventions to reduce CAUTIs. The Unit Director tells you that the rate of CAUTIs for the medical–surgical unit has steadily risen over the past year and the monthly total is twice the number from 2 years ago. You volunteer to convene a committee to work on the problem. Your first step is to identify others who should be on your team. You know that the stakeholders are individuals who influence or are influenced by the clinical problem under investigation. Review the discussion on stakeholders in Chapter 15 for guidance on selecting appropriate stakeholders. 

SECTION III BACKGROUND: LEADING A QI TEAM This section is focused on power gradients and leadership styles within an interprofessional team. Consider how to lead a team consisting of various healthcare professionals. You identified a variety of interprofessionals to include on your committee including two direct care nurses from the medical–surgical unit, one nurse from the operating room, two certified nurse assistants, a nurse supervisor, a physician, the medical–surgical clinical nurse specialist, a pharmacist, a laboratory representative, and a dietician. You feel that these individuals clearly represent all aspects of patient care. Review the information on communicating within a team and with different power gradients in Chapter 8. By working closely with the clinical nurse specialist (CNS), you are able to convene a meeting of the team.

Download and complete Case Study Part I Worksheet Download Case Study Part I Worksheet

Submit your completed Case Study Part I worksheet and its attachments into the drop box as one attachment. 


During the first two weeks, we have explored Principles of Disease and Pathology and the Primary Mechanisms of Disease. Review the material covered and provide a minimum of five key points about one of the key content areas covered that are listed below.  You may include sign/symptoms, diagnostic tools, and/or treatments.

Genetics & Congenital Alterations
Immune Responses
Malnutrition & Obesity
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references. 

DIscussion asignment

 Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns as it applies to toddlers.    



She presents with coughing and wheezing which she stated started about three weeks ago. She is currently 25 weeks pregnant.  

 Diagnose the patient based on the above findings 

Response 6


The Nursing Legislation and Advocacy page on the FNA website identifies 4-different ways for you to get involved with advocacy.  Discuss which way(s) you would most likely get involved with and why?

One of the four different ways to get involved with advocacy that I would get involved in according to the FNA website would be joining the Barbara Lumpkin Institute to have public policy education readily available to improve the healthcare system. By joining this group, I would be given the opportunity to annual symposium and provide financial support to nurses who are involved in healthcare policy (FNA). I love to enjoy researching different topics and interviewing my colleagues on how we can improve to be as safe as possible. I would emphasize the importance of patient-to-nurse ratios and how to manage the nursing shortage starting with staff burnout. There needs to be more support for bedside nursing as it seems like the rate of people going this route is less and less. 

Find and peruse the Barbara Lumpkin Toolkit (BLT).  What are your thoughts about the information provided in the toolkit and what did you learn that you didn’t know before?

I think that the Barbra Lumkin Toolkit (BLT) is an excellent tool to use for anyone looking to promote advocacy in the healthcare setting.  Advocacy is such an important part of nursing not only for our patients but for ourselves as nurses as well. I especially liked learning about the “Ten Commandments for successful living with your legislator”. Something that I didn’t know before is that anyone can call or write to the legislators regarding their reason for change or alteration to current bills. I think that it is so important that nurses get their voices heard and share their opinions with the people who are involved with making changes to the healthcare system. 


Florida Nurses Association. Barbara Lumpkin Institute. (n.d.). https://www.floridanurse.org/Links to an external site.

Reply to your classmate

Option 1

Democracy is a form of governance where people vote their elected representatives into parliament or power. A system of government of the people by the people and for the people. It is a system of control of an organization, country, or society by most of its members. It is the foundation of any country where the majority rules, thereby giving the common person the opportunity to have a voice in their political community. It gives its members power and civic responsibility directly or through their democratically elected representatives. Democracy also gives people the privilege to have the same rights, equal value and to be able to think and believe and express their views openly in writing or speech. According to Greenberg & Page, (2018) The basic idea behind democracy is for the citizens to express their political influence through regular elections. 

Although it is a fundamental human right to vote, the struggles and challenges that have faced this system of government since its conception are undoubtedly enormous.” Although the right to vote is fundamental to democracy, African Americans in the South were not able to vote in any numbers until after 1965, despite passage of the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870, which prohibited discrimination in voting on the basis of race, color, or previous condition of servitude” (Greenberg & Page, p. 670). It is difficult during a crisis when problems need immediate attention, too many ideas or opinions by the people and can cause some to feel devalued if their ideas are not followed, and the multiple perspectives to consider, makes decision making of this system of government to be slowed down. 

“Democracy works best when governments have incentives to pursue broadly encompassing policies that benefit the citizen as a whole.” Shapiro, I. and Froomkin,(2023). These benefits promote ways to resolve issues and conflicts, peaceful resolutions are encouraged. It creates involvement and respect for human dignity. The freedom to act, speak and think freely. Equality before the law. Promoting an egalitarian environment. Believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities, thereby discouraging sovereignty. 

Finally, a democratic system of government benefits cannot be overlooked. Democratically governed nations are more likely to secure the peace of the people, deter aggression, expand open markets, promote economic development, protect American citizens, combat international terrorism and crime, avoid humanitarian crises and refugee flows, improve the global environment that allow for future reform for the betterment of its community and the society at large.  




Greenberg, E. S., & Page, B. I. (2018).
The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition (12th ed.). Pearson.  

Shapiro, I. and Froomkin, . David (2023, July 12). challenges to democracy. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/challenges-to-democracy 


The table below gives some operational statistics for two hospitals located in the same community. Use the table to answer the following questions.

  1. Calculate the following measures for each hospital (wherever appropriate, calculate the measure for each pay type). Discuss the meaning and significance of each measure and point out the differences between the two hospitals.
    1. Hospital capacity
    2. ALOS
    3. Occupancy rate
  2. Operationally, which hospital is performing better? Why?
  3. Do you think the nonprofit hospital is meeting its community benefit obligations in exchange for its tax-exempt status? Explain.
  4. Do you think the hospitals have a problem with excess capacity? If so, what would you recommend? In your answer to this question, please consider how hospital governance may impact the ability of an administrator to make changes.

Chapter 1: The History of Healthcare

Hopefully you have seen how advances in science and technology have shaped and generated careers in the healthcare field. For this assignment please think about the career you are planning to pursue (this may change by the end of the course but that’s ok – just base your answer on what you are thinking of pursuing as of now). Write at least a paragraph (4-6 sentences makes up a paragraph; no more then 2 paragraphs total) describing at least two historical advancements or individuals from history (not family members) that you believe have been most influential in shaping your potential career. For example, if you are going to be a microbiologist in a hospital laboratory you may choose Dr. Koch’s postulates and the microscope as two of the major breakthroughs that influenced your field/career. Depending upon the degree of your familiarity with your intended career, these choices may take a bit of outside research. The advancements or individuals may be ones mentioned in the lecture or something or someone entirely different. In any case, you should be certain they are clearly relevant to your intended profession.

Be sure to include information on who/what the discovery/advance was and when it occurred/when the person lived or made their mark on the field. It should be clear from reading your post why this person or advance is important to your future career.