week 2 Community Café discussion

Here’s a question I have for you this week. Compare and contrast the TAPS Health Assessment Tool and the CAPS Health Assessment Tool. Try creating a side-by-side chart so that at a quick glance you can identify the similarities and the differences. The differences are key as this is how to tell them apart.

Nursing theory and one counseling/psychotherapy

Please see attachment for instructions.

Nursing Discussion assignment

Please see attachment.

Nursing module 4 assignment

What steps do you take to locate primary and peer-reviewed research articles when performing a literature search?

What resources are available to you to engage in a meaningful and successful literature search?

As you have explored throughout this course, Walden University provides vast resources for student support to ensure success in their academic program of study. When it comes to research and using Library resources, several support mechanisms are available to you as well.

Taking the first step to think about a research topic or area of interest and filtering that topic using a series of keywords and operations will be a fundamental component for performing a literature search in Walden Library’s databases. While the ultimate goal is to produce a set or results that match your search criteria, you must keep in mind that that the quality of the research articles obtained will likely vary. Thus, you must critically examine and analyze the aims of the research produced and how it aligns, confirms, or negates your topic or area of research. As you develop proficiency in this area, you will discover that you can extract content themes and frameworks to enhance future research and the need to identify additional research support.

For this Assignment, consult the Walden Library webinars and resources provided. These resources serve as a general good first step for performing literature searches and engaging with the databases of research available to you. Think about a research topic or area of interest to focus on for this Assignment. Then, search the Walden Library to locate and retrieve peer-reviewed research articles that pertain to your topic or area of interest. 

6-paragraph assignment in which you do the following:

  •  a 1-pararaph introduction of how you conducted your literature search and the databases consulted in your search in relation to your practice area or area of interest. Be specific and provide examples.
  • a 1-paragraph summary of each of the articles you have selected (a total of 3 paragraphs).
  •  1 paragraph that synthesizes the three articles using a scholarly voice.
  •  a final paragraph in which you discuss the differences between summarizing and synthesizing research. Be specific and provide examples.

Phases of Burning

 A burn injury can severely affect a patient’s physical and emotional well-being. As a nurse you may be in charge of taking care of a patient during any of the three phases of burns. Please complete the Phases of Burn Injury table to better understand the needs of a burn patient and ways to meet those needs. 

Health promotion w1 peer resp

Health promotion week1 peers response 

respond to peers thoughtfully, add value to the discussion, and apply ideas, insights, or concepts from scholarly sources, such as: journal articles, assigned readings, textbook material, lectures, course materials, or authoritative websites. For specific details and criteria, refer to the discussion rubric in the Menu (⋮) or in the Course Overview Weekly Discussion Guidelines

1st peers post

Emilee Harper


· Define health promotion in your own words.

 Health promotion, in my own words, is the process of empowering individuals, communities, and societies to enhance their overall well-being and achieve their highest level of physical, mental, and social health. It involves dedicated efforts to prevent illness, promote healthy behaviors, and address the encouragement of health to achieve optimal quality of life. 

· Discuss the differences in primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.

1. Primary Prevention: This focuses on preventing the onset of health issues. It aims to reduce the risk of disease or injury before they occur. Examples include vaccinations, health education, and lifestyle interventions to promote healthy habits.

2. Secondary Prevention: Secondary prevention is about early detection and intervention to prevent the progression of a health issue. It includes activities like regular screenings, diagnostic tests, and prompt treatment to control a disease or injury in its early stages.

3. Tertiary Prevention: Tertiary prevention is geared towards minimizing the impact of established diseases or injuries and preventing their complications. It involves rehabilitation, disease management, and strategies to improve the patient's quality of life.


· Identify two patient-focused topics of interest from the Healthy People 2030 website that interest you. For each topic, identify an objective from the Healthy People 2030 website on which you would like to focus. Why are these topics of interest to you? Provide a rationale for your selections.

1. Topic 1: Mental Health and Mental Disorders

· Objective: “Increase the proportion of children, adolescents, and adults who receive treatment for a major depressive episode.”

· Rationale: Mental health is a critical but often stigmatized aspect of overall well-being. Focusing on increasing access to treatment for depression aligns with the goal of promoting mental health and reducing the burden of mental disorders.

2. Topic 2: Substance Abuse (Drug and Alcohol Use)


· Objective: “Reduce the proportion of people who misuse prescription drugs in the past year.”

· Rationale: The misuse of prescription drugs is a growing public health concern. Reducing this misuse can reduce the associated health risks, addiction, and adverse consequences on individuals and communities.


Increase the proportion of children and adolescents who get appropriate treatment for anxiety or depression – EMCD04. Increase the proportion of children and adolescents who get appropriate treatment for anxiety or depression – EMCD04 – Healthy People 2030. (n.d.).

Prevention strategies – STATPEARLS – NCBI bookshelf. (n.d.).
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537222/ Kisling LA, M Das J. Prevention Strategies. [Updated 2023 Aug 1]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-.

Reduce the proportion of people who misused prescription drugs in the past year – su12. Reduce the proportion of people who misused prescription drugs in the past year – SU12 – Healthy People 2030. (n.d.).


2nd peer post

Melinda Goebel

Health Promotion is a huge factor in health care. It is about taking care of your health and preventing or treating disease and illness. Primary prevention is mostly about preventing damage to your health before it can occur. Secondary prevention is about preventing the illness from progressing and further damaging health. Tertiary prevention helps manage long term, complex health problems to improve life with the disease as much as a possible.


I chose to focus on Heart Disease and Stoke from the Health People 2030 website. I chose this because it relates so closely to my practice at work on a Heart and Vascular Unit. Another reasoning I had behind researching this topic is because it is so relevant in health promotion and heart disease effects so many Americans, when it could be prevented.


Part of the Heart Disease and Stroke topic included screening for atrial fibrillation. This objective caught my interest because it is so much more common than people realize and often people live with atrial fibrillation without knowing until a larger event, such as heart attack or stroke occur. It could do so much for Secondary Prevention if the general population had more of an understanding of atrial fibrillation and a way to screen.


Diabetes is a huge problem in the population of the United States and effects so many of all ages. As a nurse I about half of my patient will come in with type 2 diabetes. This is another disease that has so many other effects on the body and health that could be prevented or controlled.


Type 2 diabetes is occurring in children and young adults more often. This could be prevented with education on a balanced diet and the risk of being diabetic. There is also ways to control blood sugars and lower A1C in these younger generations that are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2021). Healthy People 2030. Health.gov. https://health.gov/healthypeople

Advocacy Action Plan Part 2: PEST Analysis

KINE 4354 Public Health Advocacy and Leadership

Assignment 4.1: Advocacy Action Plan Part 2: PEST Analysis

Adapted from:

Sample Templates

MindTools PEST Analysis Worksheet
, and

University of Bridgeport Career Development Timeline


Use the template below as a worksheet/workspace. The question prompts provided are intended to help you to gain a better understanding of the public health issue or need associated with your advocacy action plan. As you complete this template, you are allowed to make informal notes, use bullet points and copy and past links to websites, articles and other resources that will help you to better identify factors related to your advocacy action plan.

As you complete this template, please keep in mind the following:

· Although it is important to consider macro-level factors (i.e., what is happening at the societal level), for the purposes of this assignment you are asked to place more emphasis on micro-level factors (i.e., what is happening at the community level).

· Although all questions may not apply to your advocacy action plan, be sure to answer each question under all four categories (Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural, & Technology).

Template Components

Step 1: Identify the
Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural and Technological Aspects of the Proposed Change in Your Advocacy Action Plan

KINE 4354 Assignment 4.1: Advocacy Action Plan Part II: PEST Analysis





Political factors to consider:

When is the country's next local, state, or national election? How could this change government or regional policy?

Who are the most likely contenders for power in your community? What are their views on public health policy, and on other policies that affect your organization?

Depending on the country, how well developed are property rights and the rule of law, and how widespread are corruption and organized crime?

How are these situations likely to change, and how is this likely to affect you?

Could any pending legislation or taxation changes affect your business, either positively or negatively?

How does government approach public health policy, areas of social justice or social responsibility, and environmental protection legislation? What impact does this have, and is it likely to change?

Are there any other political factors that are likely to change?





Economic factors to consider:

How stable is the current economy? Is it growing, stagnating, or declining?

What is the financial condition of the organization you plan to work with? Is the organization financially stable? Is there revenue to fund your idea? If not, how will you address this?

Are there any other economic factors that you should consider?





Socio-Cultural factors to consider:

What is your target population's growth rate and age profile? How is this likely to change?

Are generational shifts in attitude likely to affect what you're doing?

What are your target population’s levels of health, education, and social mobility? How are these changing, and what impact does this have?

What social attitudes and social taboos could affect your advocacy action plan? Have there been recent socio-cultural changes that might affect this?

How do religious beliefs and lifestyle choices affect the population?

Are any other socio-cultural factors likely to drive change for your proposed advocacy action plan?





Technological factors to consider:

Are there any new technologies that you could be using?

In which areas do governments and educational institutions focus their research? Is there anything you can do to take advantage of this to address your proposed advocacy action plan?

Are there existing technological hubs that you could work with or learn from? THINK COLLABORATION!

Are there any other technological factors that you should consider?


Now that you have identified some of the changes that are taking place in the proposed setting for your advocacy action plan, look at each of those changes and brainstorm the potential OPPORTUNITIES that might be available for you or for the organization which you are proposing the advocacy effort for.

Potential Opportunities for Your Advocacy Action Plan





Now think about the changes and think about how some of those might be barriers to the implementation of your advocacy action plan. How might you plan in a manner that the potential threats might be minimized, or avoided?

Potential Threats for Your Advocacy Action Plan




Step 4: Notes for TAKING ACTION

Now it is time to TAKE ACTION! You will take this next step in Assignment 6.1 as you write up your final plan. Use the section below to write your main takeaways as you start to develop the main sections of your advocacy action plan.

My Advocacy Action Plan Notes:

Nursing Assignment

Week 6 Organizational Ethics Presentation

This week, you will submit a video presentation. (I will doing the video presenting the power point you will be doing for me ) Your presentation must include both audio and visual components and be professional in nature.

1. Choose a topic below. – same topic you have to select from Discussion Board 1.

· Taken from the assigned reading in Butts chapter 12, page 401, “EthicalReflection: Typical Unethical or Illegal Behaviors in Organizations” ( list bellow and also attached in instructions on discussion Board 1)

2. Create a presentation (Power Point ) of 12-15 slides or screens 
excluding the title and references. ( Total about 17 slides with title and references )

· Your slides/screen should include titles, main ideas, bullet points, and relevant images, charts, graphs, etc.  

3. In your presentation:

· Describe an ethical situation, based on the chosen topic, that can get in the nurse's way of practicing ethically. Describe the situation clearly and concisely.

· Identify how this situation relates to one provision within the Code of Ethics for Nurses.

· Identify two ethical principles that may arise when facing this situation.

· Discuss how a nurse might lessen the impact of the situation on the nurse's practice.

· In addition to the course texts, cite and reference a minimum of two (2) additional scholarly sources to support your work.( same references you have to mention on discussion Board 1)

· Close with a summary of your topic, and APA formatted reference slide(s).

Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.

A list of words on a white background  Description automatically generated

URS_521_DE – Presentation Rubric NURS 512

NURS_521_DE – Presentation Rubric NURS 512




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

105 to >91.35 pts

Meets Expectations

The introduction is attention getting and lays out the topic well. It establishes a strong framework for the rest of the presentation. The conclusion is comprehensive and compelling. Presentation contains accurate and complete information. Ideas, facts, and information provided demonstrate a strong, confident, understanding of the material.

91.35 to >78.75 pts

Approaches Expectations

The introduction lays out the topic. It establishes some framework for the rest of the presentation. The conclusion is clear. Presentation contains accurate and complete information. Ideas, facts, and information provided demonstrate an understanding of the material.

78.75 to >61.95 pts

Below Expectations

There is minimal introduction establishing a vague framework for the rest of the presentation. The conclusion is abrupt or unclear. Presentation contains some inaccurate and incomplete information. Ideas, facts, and information provided demonstrate little understanding of the material.

61.95 to >0 pts

Not Meeting Expectations

Introduction is missing No framework is established for the presentation. The conclusion is missing. There may be multiple instances of inaccurate or incomplete information. No understanding is demonstrated.

105 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

105 to >91.35 pts

Meets Expectations

Information is presented in a clear, logical order with an apparent beginning, middle, and end. The speaker introduces the topic, identifies the topic skillfully.

91.35 to >78.75 pts

Approaches Expectations

Information is generally presented in a clear, logical order with an apparent beginning, middle, and end. The speaker introduces the topic.

78.75 to >61.95 pts

Below Expectations

Information is presented in a way that shows little organization or order. The speaker fails to introduce the topic or does so in a way that is confusing.

61.95 to >0 pts

Not Meeting Expectations

Information is not presented in a logical, cohesive order. Topic is unclear.

105 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSlide Presentation

60 to >52.2 pts

Meets Expectations

Use of visual aids/ images is appropriate. Slides are easy to read, interesting, and relevant to the content. All main ideas are presented succinctly. Contains the required number of slides.

52.2 to >45.0 pts

Approaches Expectations

Use of visual aids/images generally appropriate. Slides generally easy to read, somewhat interesting and relevant to the content. Some main ideas are presented succinctly. May be missing some of the required number of slides.

45 to >35.4 pts

Below Expectations

Use of visual aids/images not fully appropriate. Slides generally not easy to read. Main ideas missing or difficult to find quickly. May have irrelevant visual aids or images. Missing several of the required number of slides.

35.4 to >0 pts

Not Meeting Expectations

Use of visual aids /images not appropriate. Slides not easy to read. Missing most required slides. Slides missing main ideas.

60 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and APA

30 to >26.1 pts

Meets Expectations

The assignment consistently follows current APA format and is free from errors in formatting, citation, and references. No grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. All sources are cited and referenced correctly.

26.1 to >22.5 pts

Approaches Expectations

The assignment consistently follows current APA format with only isolated and inconsistent mistakes and/or has a few grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Most sources are cited and referenced correctly.

22.5 to >17.7 pts

Below Expectations

The assignment generally follows current APA format with several mistakes and grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Most sources are cited and referenced incorrectly.

17.7 to >0 pts

Not Meeting Expectations

The assignment does not follow current APA format and/or has many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Sources are missing.

30 pts

Total Points: 300




W5 os


taking into account internal and external criticism that is used to evaluate mid-range theories or their use in research. critique Self-Efficacy theory using the internal and external critique evaluation process

Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease

case study