
Week 7: Intervention for Proposed Clinical Change Project

You are designing an executable population-based change project addressing identified
practice-related problems or questions. This strongly emphasizes collaboration between
advanced practice nurses and community agencies and include working with an agency
using practice data to provide answers, which are responsive to the needs of clinicians,
administrators, and policy makers for improvement of programs or practices.

This section of the change project should include a discussion of key concepts.

1. Clarify the issue under study.
2. Propose solutions or interventions based on the literature
3. Compare other views on the problem and solutions.
4. Address the APRN role in the intervention and discuss implications for clinical

5. Discuss the implications of your change project.
6. Some important things to consider and address:
7. Does your intervention have a clear connection to your research problem?
8. What are the specific methods of data collection you are going to use, such as

surveys, interviews, questionnaires, or protocols?
9. How do you intend to analyze your results?
10. Provide a justification for subject selection and sampling procedure.
11. Describe potential limitations. Are there any practical limitations that could affect

your data collection? How will you attempt to control the limitations?
12. How will your change project help fill gaps in understanding the research

13. This section should be 6–7 pages in length, not including the cover or reference

page. You must reference a minimum of 5 scholarly articles.

14. Use the current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Review

the rubric for more information on how the assignment will be graded.


Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome Content 64 to >52.48 pts

Meets Expectations

Succinctly clarifies the issue under study. Provides

a brief summary of the project including main

points and anticipated findings. Provides keen

insight into obstacles and proposes sound,

creative solutions or interventions based on the

literature review findings. Expertly compares other

views on the problem and solutions with detail.

Uses examples to thoroughly address the FNP role

in the intervention and discusses implications for

clinical practice. Thoughtfully discusses the

implications of the change project and its

significance to the nursing profession and filling

gaps in knowledge. Accurately categorizes and

thoroughly explains specific methods of data

collection to be used. Explains in detail how data

will be analyzed and used. Provides a sound

justification for subject selection and sampling

procedure. Accurately and thoroughly describes

potential limitations to data collection and control.

Meets all of the criteria of the written assignment.

64 pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome

8 to >6.56 pts

Meets Expectations

Content is well written throughout. Information is

well organized and clearly communicated.

8 pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome APA


8 to >6.56 pts

Meets Expectations

Follows all the requirements related to format,

length, source citations, and layout. The

assignment is free of spelling and grammatical


8 pts

Total Points: 80

  • Week 7: Intervention for Proposed Clinical Change Project

Psych 2


Discussion 2

Discuss how a comprehensive clinical assessment presents a unique opportunity for intervention in the psychotherapeutic context.

Two scholarly sources references are required unless stated otherwise by your professor. 

The student provides a substantive response to the discussion question or topic 

Here are the categories of the new discussion rubric:

Initial Post relevance to the topic of discussion, applicability, and insight. (20%)

Quality of Written Communication Appropriateness of audience and words choice is specific, purposeful, dynamic, and varied. Grammar, spelling, punctuation. (20%)

Inclusion of APNA standards essentials explored in the discussion as well as the role-specific competencies as applicable.(10%)

Rigor, currency, and relevance of the scholarly references. (Use articles that are below 5 years). (20%)

Enhancing Quality and Safety

Assignment help

Unit 11 Medications for Pain Management. Peer Response Due 11-14-23. 800w. 4 references


Unit 11 – Discussion Medications for Pain Management.



Course Number and Title



Concerns about the use of opioids for pain management

Many parties are concerned about the use of opioids for pain management because that which makes them effective also makes them dangerous. Opioids work by binding to opioid receptors in the central nervous system and incite a pleasurable sensation while dulling pain when they bind to receptors in the brain. However, opioids have a pleasurable, tempting effect for some, and their continuous use has a high risk of leading to misuse, abuse, and eventual addiction. At higher doses, opioids can cause fatal heart rate and respiration slowdowns, whereas, at lower dosages, they may only make patients drowsy. Increased attention has been brought about by the increasing incidence of opioid use disorder and the related health effects. Opioids are useful for numbing pain, but they have a double-edged impact since they may also cause tolerance, physical dependency, and addiction.

Furthermore, opioid overdose has elevated to a serious public health emergency, grabbing the attention of governments and medical professionals everywhere. Because of the rising death rates associated with opioid overdoses, with over 75% of overdose cases related to opioids in 2021 (CDC, 2021), the U.S. government, in particular, has taken the lead in fighting the opioid crisis. The illegal usage of synthetic opioids like fentanyl has contributed significantly to the rise in opioid overdose mortality observed in recent years. The American government has responded by enacting several laws, tightening prescription regulations, boosting access to alternative medication, and expanding the availability of addiction treatment programs. These efforts indicate a thorough effort to address the many problems related to the use of opioids in pain treatment.

Article “America’s opioid crisis: the need for an integrated public health approach”

The article presents a timely and comprehensive understanding of the opioid crisis in the U.S. and the need for a comprehensive approach to address the crisis. I agree with the article’s overall premise of the vital necessity of implementing an integrated public health strategy to successfully address this issue, particularly in light of the ongoing rise in overdose fatalities and the fall in life expectancy. Notably, I also think it is necessary to use a collaborative approach across different disciplines, such as neuroscience, pharmacology, epidemiology, treatment services, and prevention, and to integrate interventions across diverse settings for a holistic response.

The article highlights four interrelated themes that encompass the essential elements of a successful public health strategy: bridging the gap between implementation science and practice, person-centered approaches for prevention and treatment, social determinants of health and disease, and using data to build learning systems of care. These topics highlight how important it is to address the intricate relationships between biological and social elements and how development affects brain function and sensitivity to outside stimuli. However, one aspect I would add to the article is to emphasize the role that the pharmaceutical industry, companies, and the drive for profit played in the development and severity of the crisis. It is well-documented that companies such as Purdue Pharma marketed opioids aggressively and had sale agents and sponsored doctors who pushed for more prescriptions; this started the cycle of addiction (Arteaga et al., 2021). Therefore, any comprehensive approach to address the opioid crisis requires new legislation that prevents companies from pushing prescriptions for profit.

Disorders commonly associated with patients who also need pain relief

The demand for pain relief and mental health concerns frequently coexist, complicating healthcare situations. Depression and chronic pain are commonly associated and co-occur with anxiety in people with chronic pain problems (Murez, 2021). Psychological and physical distress co-occurrence can intensify pain perception and impede efficient treatment. Because of the complex relationship that exists between depression and chronic pain, treating both conditions at the same time requires an integrated strategy. The co-occurrence of anxiety disorders and chronic pain issues is another significant correlation. Anxiety can cause increased pain sensitivity and intensify one’s subjective perception of pain (Harvard Health Publishing, 2021). Additionally, it may exacerbate avoidance habits, preventing patients from participating in physical therapy or other non-pharmacological pain relief techniques.


The Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) is a standardized metric used in the healthcare industry to quantify the strength and equivalence of different opioid drugs and facilitate simpler comparisons of their effects. When opioid doses must be translated to a standard measure for safety, effectiveness, and regulatory considerations, the MME is very helpful in clinical practice and research. An opioid’s potency in relation to a standard, usually morphine, is represented by a conversion factor, which is applied to determine the MME for a particular opioid. A uniform metric helps assess and compare the various amounts of opioids patients are given, facilitating safer and more effective pain management.

Since MME gives medical providers a common standard to discuss and track opioid doses, it is crucial to reduce the dangers associated with opioid medication. Because it enables a more thorough assessment of a patient’s opioid regimen, this method also helps lower the risk of an opioid overdose. In addition to being beneficial for healthcare professionals, MME is also a crucial instrument for legislators, allowing them to create policies and rules that promote safer prescription practices.


Arteaga, C., Barone, V., Lleras-Muney, A., Reber, S., Maclean, C., Aslan, M., Kroft, K., Zarate, R., Weisburst, E., Van Effenterre, C., & Price, D. (2021).
The Opioid Epidemic: Causes and Consequences.

Blanco, C., Wiley, T. R. A., Lloyd, J. J., Lopez, M. F., & Volkow, N. D. (2020). America’s opioid crisis: the need for an integrated public health approach.
Translational Psychiatry,

Centers for Disease Control. (2021).
Understanding the epidemic | CDC’s response to the opioid overdose epidemic |.

Murez, C. R. (2021).
Chronic Pain and Mental Health: The Empowered Patient’s Guide.

Publishing, H. H. (2021).
Pain, anxiety, and depression. Harvard Health.

Stahl, S. M. (2021).
Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology.

Nursing assignment 1-a


After studying Module 2: Lecture Materials & Resources, submit the following:

  • Starting with the precursor substance tyrosine or tryptophan, draw three diagrams showing how the various enzymes convert this substance to serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your diagrams must be hand-drawn. Scan your diagrams and submit them as an attachment of an image file or PDF. 
  • Follow APA 7th Edition formatting guidelines for graphs and figuresLinks to an external site.
  • Complete and submit the assignment by 11:59 PM ET on Sunday.
  • Late work policies, expectations regarding proper citations, acceptable means of responding to peer feedback, and other expectations are at the discretion of the instructor.
  • You can expect feedback from the instructor within 48 to 72 hours from the Sunday due date.

pn2 m7 diss

 Compare and contrast risk factors, age of onset, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. What do you think is the most important topic that must be taught to the diabetic patient and why? 

Concept for clinical judgment


  1. What do you feel are the greatest influences on clinical judgment? Is it experience, knowledge, or a combination of those things?
  2. In your opinion, what part does intuition play in clinical judgment? How do you think you’ll be able to develop nursing intuition?


Present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and record a 10–15 minute video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project, and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program. Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form.

Baccalaureate-prepared nurses have many opportunities to reflect on their contributions to patient care outcomes during clinical experiences. Research suggests that creating and sharing video reflections may enhance learning (Speed, Lucarelli, & Macaulay, 2018).

For this assessment, you’ll present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and reflect on various aspects of your capstone practicum experience. Such reflection will give you a chance to discuss elements of the project of which you are most proud and aspects of the experience that will help you grow in your personal practice and nursing career.


Speed, C. J., Lucarelli, G. A., & Macaulay, J. O. (2018). Student produced videos—An innovative and creative approach to assessment. 
Sciedu International Journal of Higher Education, 7(4).

Complete this assessment in two parts: (a) present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group and (b) record a video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of your capstone project, and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program.

Part 1

Present your approved intervention to the patient, family, or group. Plan to spend at least 3 practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the patient, family, or group. During this time, you may also consult with subject matter and industry experts of your choice. Be sure you've logged all of your practicum hours in Capella Academic Portal.

The BSN Capstone Course (NURS-FPX4900 ) requires the completion and documentation of nine (9) practicum hours. All hours must be recorded in the Capella Academic Portal. Please review the
 BSN Practicum Campus page for more information and instructions on how to log your hours.

Use the 
Intervention Feedback Form: Assessment 5 [PDF]
 Download Intervention Feedback Form: Assessment 5 [PDF]as a guide to capturing patient, family, or group feedback about your intervention. You’ll include the feedback as part of your capstone reflection video.

Part 2

Record a 10–15 minute video reflection on your practicum experience, the development of

your capstone project, and your personal and professional growth over the course of your RN-to-BSN program. A transcript of your video is not required.

You’re welcome to use any tools and software with which you are comfortable, but make sure you're able to submit the deliverable to your faculty. Capella offers Kaltura, a program that records audio and video. Refer to 
Using Kaltura for more information about this courseroom tool.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in these activities, please contact 
[email protected] to request accommodations. If you’re unable to record a video, please contact your faculty as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.

The assessment requirements, outlined below, correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, note the additional requirements for supporting evidence.

· Assess the contribution of your intervention to patient or family satisfaction and quality of life.

· Describe feedback received from the patient, family, or group on your intervention as a solution to the problem.

· Explain how your intervention enhances the patient, family, or group experience.

· Describe your use of evidence and peer-reviewed literature to plan and implement your capstone project.

· Explain how the principles of evidence-based practice informed this aspect of your project.

· Assess the degree to which you successfully leveraged health care technology in your capstone project to improve outcomes or communication with the patient, family, or group.

· Identify opportunities to improve health care technology use in future practice.

· Explain how health policy influenced the planning and implementation of your capstone project, as well as any contributions your project made to policy development.

· Note specific observations related to the baccalaureate-prepared nurse's role in policy implementation and development.

· Explain whether capstone project outcomes matched your initial predictions


· Discuss the aspects of the project that met, exceeded, or fell short of your expectations.

· Discuss whether your intervention can, or will be, adopted as a best practice.

· Describe the generalizability of your intervention outside this particular setting.

· Document the time spent (your practicum hours) with these individuals or group in the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form.

· Assess your personal and professional growth throughout your capstone project and the RN-to-BSN program.

· Address your provision of ethical care and demonstration of professional standards.

· Identify specific growth areas of which you are most proud or in which you have taken particular satisfaction.

· Communicate professionally in a clear, audible, and well-organized video.

Additional Requirements

Cite at least three scholarly or authoritative sources to support your assertions. In addition to your reflection video, submit a separate APA-formatted reference list of your sources.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

· Competency 2: Make clinical and operational decisions based upon the best available evidence.

· Describe one's use of evidence and peer-reviewed literature to plan and implement a capstone project.

· Competency 3: Transform processes to improve quality, enhance patient safety, and reduce the cost of care.

· Explain whether capstone project outcomes matched one's initial predictions and documents the practicum hours spent with these individuals or group in the Capella Academic Portal Volunteer Experience Form. Document the completion of nine hours of practicum time.

· Competency 4: Apply health information and patient care technology to improve patient and systems outcomes.

· Assess the degree to which one successfully leveraged health care technology in a capstone project to improve outcomes or communication with a patient, family, or group.

· Competency 5: Analyze the impact of health policy on quality and cost of care.

· Explain how health policy influenced the planning and implementation of one’s


· capstone project, as well as any contributions the project made to policy development.

· Competency 7: Implement patient-centered care to improve quality of care and the patient experience.

· Assess the contribution of an intervention to patient, family, or group satisfaction and quality of life.

· Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and values into practice.

· Assess one’s personal and professional growth throughout a capstone project and the RN-to-BSN program.

· Communicate professionally in a clear and well-organized video.

Chapter 3: Healthcare Reform and in the United States

Using what you learned in Modules 1-3 up to this point, discuss 3 key elements you think should be a part of US Healthcare reform.  Since we do not know at this point whether the ACA will remain or will be repealed and replaced, what are 3 key elements that should remain or be introduced into US healthcare reform legislation? 

For example, children up to the age of 26 being able to remain on their parent’s health insurance or mandates that everyone have healthcare.  These are only examples, feel free to discuss any key elements from the readings or your own research.  This assignment should be a maximum of 2 paragraphs in length and should be your own original thought.  Please cite any sources you used in a standard format (e.g. APA or MLA).  Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) can help with cited and writing.  You can find OWL at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/ . The rest of your submission should be 2 paragraphs (no more then 5 sentences in a paragraph!) on the 3 key elements you chose that should remain or be introduced as discussed above.   Remember do not simply state your opinion; explain your rationale for your opinion. Be sure to write properly for an academic audience (review syllabus guidelines).

Grading Rubric:
Submission reflects college level writing. Clear effort is made with sentence structure, word choice, grammar and punctuation. (4pts)

Post discusses 3 key elements of reform and clearly indicates the students perspective supporting it with rationale. (4pts)

Student cites references (2pts)

patient safety

Read the following article and view the video on the same case. How can this example be used as an illustration of maintaining patient safety and providing safe, effective care? Identify some of the possible barriers that nurses face when acting on what they believe to be the morally correct action in this particular case. 
