How healthy is your workplace?

You may think your current organization operates seamlessly, or you may feel it has many issues. You may experience or even observe things that give you pause. Yet, much as you wouldn’t try to determine the health of a patient through mere observation, you should not attempt to gauge the health of your work environment based on observation and opinion. Often, there are issues you perceive as problems that others do not; similarly, issues may run much deeper than leadership recognizes.

There are many factors and measures that may impact organizational health. Among these is civility. While an organization can institute policies designed to promote such things as civility, how can it be sure these are managed effectively? In this Discussion, you will examine the use of tools in measuring workplace civility. 

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).
  • Review and complete the Work Environment Assessment Template in the Resources.

 Post a brief description of the results of your Work Environment Assessment. Based on the results, how civil is your workplace? Explain why your workplace is or is not civil. Then, describe a situation where you have experienced incivility in the workplace. How was this addressed? Be specific and provide examples. 

Nursing module 4 assignment

What steps do you take to locate primary and peer-reviewed research articles when performing a literature search?

What resources are available to you to engage in a meaningful and successful literature search?

As you have explored throughout this course, Walden University provides vast resources for student support to ensure success in their academic program of study. When it comes to research and using Library resources, several support mechanisms are available to you as well.

Taking the first step to think about a research topic or area of interest and filtering that topic using a series of keywords and operations will be a fundamental component for performing a literature search in Walden Library’s databases. While the ultimate goal is to produce a set or results that match your search criteria, you must keep in mind that that the quality of the research articles obtained will likely vary. Thus, you must critically examine and analyze the aims of the research produced and how it aligns, confirms, or negates your topic or area of research. As you develop proficiency in this area, you will discover that you can extract content themes and frameworks to enhance future research and the need to identify additional research support.

For this Assignment, consult the Walden Library webinars and resources provided. These resources serve as a general good first step for performing literature searches and engaging with the databases of research available to you. Think about a research topic or area of interest to focus on for this Assignment. Then, search the Walden Library to locate and retrieve peer-reviewed research articles that pertain to your topic or area of interest. 

6-paragraph assignment in which you do the following:

  •  a 1-pararaph introduction of how you conducted your literature search and the databases consulted in your search in relation to your practice area or area of interest. Be specific and provide examples.
  • a 1-paragraph summary of each of the articles you have selected (a total of 3 paragraphs).
  •  1 paragraph that synthesizes the three articles using a scholarly voice.
  •  a final paragraph in which you discuss the differences between summarizing and synthesizing research. Be specific and provide examples.

Reimbursement & Financing Issues


After studying Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

  • As decisions are made to address changes in reimbursement in your work place, how are these changes shared with the nursing staff?
  • What suggestions do you have that could increase nurses’ awareness of health care financing issues?


Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by expanding on your colleague’s post or suggesting an alternative viewpoint/perspective on the experiences described by your colleagues.

1. Intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration is undoubtedly one of my highest priority areas of interest a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student, and eventual practicing DNP. Throughout my nursing career, I have experienced a wide variety of collaboration styles; some within the same company but in different outpatient locations or departments, and other collaboration styles that were implemented as a company-wide initiative. Unfortunately, I have perceived many of these collaborative efforts as poor.

            Prior to completing my psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner education with Walden, I worked in a variety of mental health settings including inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment that would also include dual diagnosis substance use treatment. Many of these settings offered collaboration that was purely transactional, and provided the minimum information required to complete the engagement. Often intradisciplinary, these were nurse-to-nurse shift handoffs or patient transfer calls to coordinate the delivery of a patient from the emergency department up to the psychiatric floor. Many aspects were involved in the quality, or lack thereof, of the communication that would take place. The essence of time was always and has been shown to be one of the most common barriers to effective care coordination at any level, as well as providers unfortunately passing the responsibility of initiating the contact (Šanc & Prosen, 2022).

            In my most recent position as a psychiatric nurse practitioner, there have been company-wide initiatives to ensure the presence interdisciplinary collaboration. The support from all levels of management has encouraged follow through of these initiatives, modeling importance and engagement in the practice (McEwen & Wills, 2019). Communication has been supported by assuring quick connection between a patient’s individual therapist and their psychiatric prescriber, with access to an internal instant messaging system providing a more casual and convenient platform for collaboration while cutting back on emails. Approximately nine to twelve months ago, the medical director was attending a weekly meeting with all the individual therapists and was available for additional consulting if needed. As the psychiatry team rapidly grew from five to ten prescribers, this became a daunting number of patients for the medical director to quickly review and answer questions for on-the-spot. I was happy to be a part of a problem-solving initiative introducing a consult hour, where individual therapists can schedule ten-minute Zoom meetings with a mutual patient’s psychiatric provider for additional consultation during a dedicated block of time each Friday between noon and 1pm EST. This has provided a great opportunity to collaborate in a more personal manner, offering spoken-word collaboration rather than electronic communication as the company covers approximately twenty-five states.

            In addition to weekly clinical consult hour, the psychiatry team meets weekly for one hour to offer time for intradisciplinary collaboration. This meeting is utilized to review patient cases where a diagnosis may feel unclear, or the prescriber may be seeking additional professional recommendation on a direction for medications. While the Henry et al. (2018) case study offered collaboration from individuals with varying specialty backgrounds, the weekly psych team meeting offers similar benefits as many of the psychiatric nurse practitioners have prior nursing experience in critical care which has been immensely supportive when ruling out or assessing physical health implications of a mental health diagnosis. Despite all prescribers specializing in psychiatry currently, there remains a vast array of experiences throughout advanced-practice as well including substance use treatment, severe-persistent mental illness, and specialization in neurocognitive disease. Collaborating with all different areas of psychiatry provides an even more in-depth evaluation of a specialty area and further improves patient outcomes.

As a Registered Nurse with 16 years of experience working in the field of inpatient psychiatry and substance use disorders, I have been a member of many different interdisciplinary treatment teams.  It is easy to say that some teams were more effective than others.  The most successful interdisciplinary teams, in my experience, place a high value on the importance of communication.  There was a recent study conducted by Ansa et al. (2020) whereby 551 staff members of a large medical hospital from varying disciplines answered survey questions related to interprofessional collaboration.  The staff members ranked communication as the top indicator of a successful team, followed by knowledge of role limitations and trust/mutual respect.

            Intradisciplinary collaboration can be defined as “a relational and respectful process among nursing colleagues that allows for the effective use of the knowledge, skills, and talents of all nursing designations to achieve optimal client and health system outcomes” (Canadian Nurses Association, 2020).  More succinctly, it means working towards a common goal within a single discipline rather than joining many disciplines together to achieve a goal.  While both of these approaches have value, it is essential to consider which collaboration style will yield more successful results for a given problem.

Personal Experiences with Inter versus Intradisciplinary Collaboration

 One of my previous organizations had an issue with the nursing admission workflow.  In this case, we took an intradisciplinary approach in order to brainstorm solutions.  We invited only those from the nursing discipline who wanted to participate to join leadership in the conference room to determine how we could improve the workflow.  While we were able to come up with a solid solution for this workflow gap, we neglected to factor in the roles of the direct care staff, admissions coordinators, and providers, which meant we had to go back and do so after the fact.

 2.           I worked for another organization that valued the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration very highly.  Treatment teams were created, and all other workflows stemmed from these teams.  The teams consisted of a Psychiatrist, a Social Worker, a Registered Nurse (RN), and a Mental Health Worker.  These teams would round on their patients together to ensure communication and collaboration were clear for the patient as well as within the team.  Treatment team meetings occurred after rounds and highly involved and extremely patient-specific treatment plans were developed and executed to ensure best patient care.  A recent case study determined that “combining students from different professions in the student-designed case study process supported a structured opportunity for socio-cultural learning, which is considered key to interprofessional learning” (Henry et al., 2018).  I believe that the same is true for healthcare.  By employing an interdisciplinary approach, communication and mutual respect are improved, which allows teams to solve problems together while considering each person’s unique perspective and skillset thereby improving patient car

Module 5 EBP project

 In  this assignment, students will be asked to share information about their  EBP Project (from Module Four) with their peers in the online setting.   Students will create a visual aid that describes their evidence  based practice project (EBPP) and post it to their group discussion  board in Module Five. Students will create a brief written introduction  about their EBPP to post with their visual aid.  Examples of visual aids  may include but are not limited to: powerpoint, brochure, handout, etc. 


“Respond to at least four of the colleagues post by visiting the websites they shared and offering additional examples of EBP or alternative views/interpretations to those shared in your colleagues’ posts.”

Colleagues post attached 


Week 4: Project Aims, Values, and Desired

1. A reference to the project’s benefits in terms of cost, time, and/or quality that address needs or
changes, results, impacts, or consequences that the project has on people, programs, or institutions.

2. Goals and objectives that are measurable, shared, and hypothetically agreed on by all key stakeholders.
They are directly linked to the concept of project success factors.

3. What variables need to be considered and and whether or not you have control over them.
• For example, if you were to implement a clinic-wide practice change, would budget be an issue and

how would you address that variable?
• If you were to implement your study, consider how would you gather data. Would you choose the

qualitative or quantitative method?

• An explanation of what your research will provide to the community, or to social

• A description of the desired outcomes: Specifically, state the purpose, focus, and viewpoint of the
project as well as its expected accomplishments.

• While you may not be implementing your project, you should have a goal in mind that relates to solving
your problem.

• Establish a timeline for accomplishing your project goal(s).

This section should be 3–4 pages in length, not including the cover or reference page,
and should address the intended outcomes of your project. You must reference a minimum of 3

scholarly articles.

Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources. Review the rubric for more information on

how the assignment will be graded.

NURS_691A_DE – NURS 691-A Rubric Week 4: Project Aims, Values, and Desired

NURS_691A_DE – NURS 691-A Rubric Week 4: Project Aims, Values, and Desired Outcomes

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome Content 60 to >49.2 pts
Meets Expectations

The project, aims, values, and desired outcomes are well

developed and clear and thorough. Aims include detailed

examples of projected features and functions. Values

include implementation benefits for specific

stakeholders. Desired outcomes expertly state the

purpose, have a quality focus, and clearly describe the

benefits that are expected to occur as a result of


60 pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome Organization 7.5 to >6.15 pts
Meets Expectations

Content is well written throughout. Information is well

organized and clearly communicated.

7.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome APA


7.5 to >6.15 pts
Meets Expectations

Follows all the requirements related to format, length,

source citations, and layout. Assignment is free of

spelling and grammatical errors.

7.5 pts

Total Points: 75

  • Week 4: Project Aims, Values, and Desired Outcomes

BHA320 Module 3 Case SLP

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Module 3 – Case


Assignment Overview

Most of us are familiar with the role of a manager and that of a leader. We also know
the functions each is expected to perform. However, there is a trend in the UK that
puts managers in a different role. This trend is manager as coach (MAC) and will be
the focus of this assignment. Before beginning the tasks, please read the following

Ladyshewsky, R. K. (2010). The manager as coach as a driver of organizational
development. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 31(4), 292-306. doi:

Case Assignment

In a 3-page paper, answer the following questions:

1. What is meant by the term manager as coach (MAC)?

2. Is this role more appropriate for a leader or manager?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages regarding MAC?

4. How does it fit with the other roles of a manager and leader?

5. Would this be an effective tool in a health care setting as a leader? Why or why

Assignment Expectations

1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your
responses to each question.

2. Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use
the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed

3. You may use Purdue OWL to assist in formatting your assignment:


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week 4 discussions


Week 4 Discussion Forum


Complete your week 4 required discussion prompt.

 Links to an external site.  Consider where your research proposal most closely fits within or  aligns to the listed statements. Choose one or two and explain in detail  why you feel it aligns with the NLN’s vision.