
Module 09 Written Assignment – Cultural Factors and Their Influence on Medication

In this written assignment, select one cultural factor such as health beliefs, language, perception of time, environment control, etc. (see textbook reading) and apply it to a selected ethnic group. The paper will include the following:

1. One impact on medication preparation. Explain.

2. Two impacts on medication administration. Explain.

3. Two potential adverse reactions. Explain with rationale.

4. One possible issue in adherence to medication regimen. Explain how this can be overcome.

The paper should be no more than 3 pages. Use APA Editorial Format for all citations and references used.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the 
Course Calendar
 for specific due dates

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How would you anticipate this life changing diagnosis is going to affect your patient according to his age and sex? 

WK 1 discussion post Reply

Please see attachment for instructions. 


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Module 02 – Written Assignment-Communication Techniques Worksheet



Complete all your lesson content and assigned readings. Make sure that you are focusing on:

· Communication techniques used to promote safety within the healthcare facility.

· Communication techniques used to provide optimal patient care.


· Answer the questions listed below using complete sentences.

· Use correct grammar, spelling and APA format.

· Support your answers using credible sources such as textbooks, course materials, and evidence-based articles (
1 Point)


How do I know if a source is credible?

How do I find evidence-based practice articles? Or nursing best practices?

1. Identify and describe communication techniques that can be used to promote safety within the healthcare facility.
(2 Points)

2. Describe how communication is used to provide optimal patient care.
(2 Points)



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Darlene, age 32 years, has been having back pain for a number of years, ever since suffering a compressed L2 disc as the result of a motor vehicle accident that led to surgery and extensive physiotherapy. Now she is missing time from work as a secretary because of constant pain. Darlene has been referred to you for chronic pain.

  1. As the nurse practitioner working with Darlene, what aspects of disorders of pain are important to understand?
  2. How would you effectively manage Darlene’s pain at this time?

Instructions: discussion post, 1 page is long enough. APA format. Has to have 3 references. 


· Select one
current, qualitative or mixed methods scholarly nursing article related to your PICOT Description of the purpose

· Explanation of research design

· Discussion of sample

· Description of data collection methods

· Summary of findings

· Strengths of the study (minimum of 1)

· Limitations of the study (minimum of 1)

· Recommendations regarding potential application for future practice that are insightful and appropriate.


please follow all directions


 According to your worldview, what value does a human person have? How does your position affect your stance on controversial bioethical issues, such as abortion, designer babies, and stem cell research? 


Use the attached document to provide responses to the discussion board. please provide 2 scientific references in APA format.

Community public health


Social determinants of health (SDOH). 

Name the 5 domains of Healthy People 2030. What is the objective of Healthy People?

Select 1-2 overarching goals and describe the impact on health, well-being and quality of life.

Describe the current status of the overarching goals you selected.