No plagiarism, 7th ed writing style


Assignment: Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting

Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs and nursing associations, and overwhelming to consider various benefits and options offered by each.

Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice. Understanding these differences helps lend credence to your expertise as a professional. In this Assignment, you will practice the application of such expertise by communicating a comparison of boards of nursing and professional nurse associations. You will also share an analysis of your state board of nursing.

To Prepare:

· Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency.

· Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation.

The Assignment: (9- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation)

Develop a 9- to 10-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

· Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.

· Describe the geographic distribution, academic credentials, practice positions, and licensure status of members of the board for your specific region/area.

o Who is on the board?

o How does one become a member of the board?

· Describe at least one federal regulation for healthcare.

o How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare (e.g., CMS, OSHA, and EPA)?

o Has there been any change to the regulation within the past 5 years? Explain.

· Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.

o How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?

o How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?

· Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).

o How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?

o How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?



  • Explain philosophy of nursing practice
  • Analyze factors that influence philosophy of nursing practice
  • Recommend strategies for social change advocacy for the role of the DNP
  • Contrast philosophies of nursing practice
  • Analyze middle range nursing theories in relation to philosophies of nursing practice
  • Analyze interdisciplinary theories in relation to philosophies of nursing practice

week 3 discussion answers

Please respond to each discussion post with 4 to 5 sentences with apa references for each 

disscussion reply

 provide further suggestions on how their database search might be improved. Use 2 refrences 


In pediatrics, clinicians are constantly searching for ways to refrain from or reduce the amount of pain we inflict on patients. That may involve less frequent lab work or making the choice to leave out a PIV that is lost. Though efforts are made to reduce pain in healthcare settings, we are not able to guarantee painless experiences. One of the most notable examples of unavoidable pain is childhood immunizations. Since I am a current pediatric nurse and in the primary care pediatric NP track, this is and will even more so, become a common practice issue for me. I wanted to figure out what methods of distraction work for infants when receiving immunizations. Using Richardson and colleagues’ concept (1995, as cited by Davies, 2011) I created the PICO question: In infants, do distraction techniques during immunization administration result in lower pain scores when compared to no intervention? 

Using the CINAHL and MEDLINE combined database, I searched the terms “distraction + immunization”. 106 articles resulted. After adding the term “infant” and excluding duplicates, reviews, and studies that involve study groups other than infants,10 articles remained. I used search techniques recommended by Stillwell et al. (2010). I searched using relevant keywords from my PICO question and used infant as my final limit on the articles that resulted. To improve my database searches, I could ask a librarian for help, use subject terms, or increase the publication date range on my search (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2023, pp. 62–87). 



Respond using APA: at least 4 scholarly references

This should be at least 2 pages long

Quite often, nurse leaders are faced with ethical dilemmas, such as those associated with choices between competing needs and limited resources. Resources are finite, and competition for those resources occurs daily in all organizations.

For example, the use of 12-hour shifts has been a strategy to retain nurses. However, evidence suggests that as nurses work more hours in a shift, they commit more errors. How do effective leaders find a balance between the needs of the organization and the needs of ensuring quality, effective, and safe patient care?

In this Discussion, you will reflect on a national healthcare issue and examine how competing needs may impact the development of polices to address that issue

National healthcare issue is: Mental health and substance abuse




In today’s work environment, managers and team leaders are faced with the reality of a growing need for a remote workforce to remain competitive and economically viable. This need for a remote workforce has come about due to companies’ and multinational organizations’ quest to expand into emerging markets, make use of cost-effective opportunities in other regions, and their hunt for the best talents around the globe.  It is no surprise businesses are putting so much emphasis on human capital development compared to other areas in today’s work environment. According to a recent 2019 IWG study, 62% of remote work teams are comprised of workers that are three or more cultures around the world and only 15% of leaders have successfully managed a cross cultural remote team (Ferguson, 2022, June 22). In a separate citing Mesolu et al (2020), 80% of corporations remote work policies have shifted to virtual or mixed team of virtual collaboration and 64% of those virtual teams may likely remain permanent (Anthony, 2022, November 6). With these statistics in mind, I cannot overemphasize the dire need for team leaders to improve cross cultural remote team management in our global business climate.                                          Evaluation and Analysis of the Video

After a careful viewing of the video from Ricardo Fernandez, it’s fair to conclude that the most immediate issue team leaders face in managing a cross-cultural remote group is getting information across to team members effectively. And the best communication skills needed for success in managing this type of diverse remote team is understanding the context in which you communicate with your team members. The interaction between Ricardo and a team member from India where he (Ricardo saying “you’re killing it out there”) intended to commend his teammate (who understood it to mean “he’s not doing well”) clearly demonstrates the danger in not considering context of the cultural implications of one speech in a global setting. For example, you should avoid comparing other cultures to yours and understand that people from different cultures will have different communication styles – and so a leader must adjust their communication style to suit context. So, to effectively lead a global team and communicate effectively, managers and team members must have some cultural intelligence training to help leaders understand team members cultures – “One way is to visit foreign lands and talk with local people about their customs and social norms. Another way is to study the works of noted anthropologists and other social scientists. A third way is to consider the observations of people whose opinions we respect” (Steers & Nardon, 2014).

Another skill to communicate effectively is for a leader to avoid slang and jargon, but instead speak plain direct language that involves cultural nuances. (Bullock and Sanchez, 2021 March 22). Multilingualism (the ability of leaders to speak 2 or more languages) is also a vital skill needed in a global work environment. It is vital because it improves communication, builds relationships, and positively influences community building and networking. Diversity or inclusivity training is another skill to communicate.  This type of training helps managers deal with team members of diverse cultures more effectively by helping them understand the assumptions, values, and communication styles of the people that they may encounter in the workplace. “Language capabilities. Learning local languages facilitates learning local cultures. It also helps the manager develop close personal and business relationships abroad” (Steers & Nardo, 2014, p. 285). With this in place, managers are better prepared to be effective communicators in the workplace and understand the message of others and get their own message across as well.   


Managing these remote teams in cross cultural workplaces has numerous advantages if managers and team leaders do harness and utilize the necessary skills and tailor them to organizational goals. However, these success stories do come as enormous challenges that organizations must overcome to obtain their goals and success. As stated earlier, communication is the immediate hurdle in working with a diverse remote team but there are other difficulties that team members must overcome. To name a few of these challenges, team members face difficulties (i) communication and collaborating with each other, (ii) loneliness physically working solo, (iii) unable to unplug and focus, (iv) distractions at home as is mentioned in the video by Ricardo Fernandez, (v) different time zones which means some members must work odd hours making it hard to keep up, (vi) keeping motivated by oneself becomes harder when alone, (vii) taking some vacation – the work seems to follow you everywhere, (viii) no reliable internet – as is seen with Ricardo, poor internet or wi-fi hinders communication, and (ix) other cultural challenges as outlined in the graph below (Anthony, 2022).

Description: A graph of a number of peopleDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceSource: Anthony (2022)

 Relationship Building in a Cross-Cultural Remote Team

To build a successful relationship for a remote team, leaders must be willing to listen more, get feedback from the teams and learn more about different cultures and their backgrounds. Leaders must understand what their team members want and provide them with the necessary tools to motivate them. For example, Ricardo Fernandez in his video “Managing Cross-Cultural Remotes Teams believes that the workforce of today which predominant are made of millennials –  “By 2029, more than 38.5 million people ages 35 to 44 are expected to fit that definition, outnumbering all other age groups in the labor force” (Torpey, 2020); want training and development, flexibility of work hours, cash bonuses, private health care, retirement schemes, vacation allowances, housing assistance, company transportation, higher wages over benefits, help with debts, and childcare (Fernandez, 2017). On the other hand, other generational diversities like baby boomers might prefer different things in a remote team to motivate them. Unlike millennials, baby boomers may want higher benefits to higher pay to be motivated for example. Understanding these needs not only promotes job satisfaction but is indeed part and parcel of relationship building in a cross-cultural team.

Adaptability is an integral part of relationship building in a remote team and a productive team is based on a leader’s ability to understand individual work styles and make the necessary adjustment skillfully blending one’s own leadership with the team cultural nuances. Remote team leaders must also have excellent Self-awareness skills to pick up constant changes around the cross-cultural teams they manage by constantly monitoring feedback to avoid, or promptly resolve conflicts when they arise. There is no “one size fits all’ in managing a culturally diverse team; team leaders must adapt to the group dynamics regarding age, gender, cultures, and other aspects when communicating or building relationships for organizational goals. For example, while it may be acceptable sending a contract proposal to a western millennial, it is risky or completely unacceptable sending the same contract proposal to a 60-year-old Japanese because of the diversity of their respective cultures. A western millennial is more tech savvy and flexible and will most likely see nothing wrong with the medium of communication. However, Japanese combine both non-verbal and verbal communication styles in communication and believe in bodily gestures to transmit respect avoiding eye contact – “Previous literature has found that, compared to Westerners, Japanese tend to rely more on vocal tones than verbal contents or facial expressions when inferring emotions. These findings point to the possibility that Japanese people tend to both express and perceive emotions through nonverbal vocal information to a greater degree than Westerners” (Yoshie & Sauter, 2020, p. 516).

As stated earlier, clear Articulation is a masterful tool for relationships building as it sends information to and from team members with little risk of miscommunication. Equally important as articulation is Writing Proficiently – leaders should always practice putting verbal meetings in writing so team members get all information including those that might have been lost in words or pronunciations (Ferguson, 2022).

Multilingualism, though an important and effective communication skill, is also a vital tool for relationship building in a global work environment. It is widely assumed that English is the preferred language in most international or global diverse team meetings which can be an advantage to English speaking team leaders, but at the same time it is a drawback when it comes to relationship building with other team members who speak other languages – “English speakers have an advantage in international English-speaking teams, but this apparent “political” advantage masks potential negative consequences” (Henderson, 2005, p. 77). Leaders who are multilingual and speak the local language of team members communicate efficiently and build trust and understanding that is way more efficient than leaders who don’t.


Human capital is now the sine qua non in all culturally diverse organizations in today’s business climate. That’s why it is vital for managers and team leaders to have the requisite training and cultural intelligence to successfully navigate the cultural and diversity hurdles in the global workplace to obtain organizational growth and sustainability. The workplace as we know it, is largely and gradually moving towards a virtual, remote, and culturally diverse global village and business must get prepare and gear up to meet the challenges that the global workforce is throwing at us.

Care of the older person

Copyright © 2022 The Open College (Version 10)


Module Code 5N2706

Assessment Technique PROJECT

Weighting 40%

Write a comprehensive discussion on the care needs of the older person with
a specific illness or disability.

Your assignment will be assessed on the following:

• Understanding and application of concepts associated with caring for older people

(10 marks)

• Relevant research and sources of information (5 marks)

• Appropriate presentation of work (5 marks)

• Comprehensive analysis of findings and logical conclusions and recommendations

(10 marks)

• Reflection on completion (10 marks)

Your Project Must:

1. Have a word count of 1500-2000 words {+/- 10%}

2. Be supported with relevant research material within the body of text

3. Include a Bibliography

4. Include a contents page

5. Written in Third Person.

Please note if you do go over your word count deduction will be at tutor discretion, based on the
relevance of the information submitted.

• Please note: the following are not included in your word count.

• Contents page

• Title page

• Bibliography/reference list

• Appendices

Copyright © 2022 The Open College (Version 10)


For this project No Client is required, this project is based on theoretical knowledge gained from
studying the course material and external research.

You are required to base your project on ONE of the following topics:

1. Care of Older person with Alzheimer’s Disease

2. Care of Older person with a Cerebral Vascular Accident {stroke}

3. Care of Older person with Parkinson Disease

4. Care of Older Person with Vascular Dementia

5. Care of the older person with Arthritis

Guidelines: (Structure of Project)


• Introduce chosen topic and provide an overview of the aims of your project.

Ageing Process:

• Definition of ageism

• Physical signs associated with the body systems

• Attitudes and stereotyping associated with older persons

• Social Impact {Financial, retirement, culture}

Specific Illness:

• History

• Definition

• Causes

• Signs & symptoms

• Stages if associated

• Treatment

• Statistics

• Current Research on treatment

Physical Needs of Client: For this section and having researched your chosen Illness/Disability discuss
the care that would be provided to an older person under the following headings:

• Maintaining safety

• Eating & drinking

• Personal hygiene

• Mobility

• Elimination

• Sleeping.

Copyright © 2022 The Open College (Version 10)

Cognitive Needs of Client: For this section and having researched your chosen Illness/Disability
discuss the care that would be provided to an older person under the following headings:

• Communication

• Memory

• Behaviour

• Rehabilitation

• Recreational

Role of HCA: In this section discuss the role of the HCA in supporting the older person under the
following key areas:

• Holistic care

• Empowerment

• Dignity & respect

• Advocacy

• Self-esteem

• Needs of family

• Health promotion and education

Role of Statutory and Voluntary Agency:

• Identify 2 statutory and 2 voluntary agencies and outline their role within care of older

person and the supports provided.


• reflect on your project and knowledge you have gained

• evaluate your findings

• provide recommendations for yourself

• provide recommendations on how quality care services could be improved for older person



Any results issued are provisional and subject to confirmation from the QQI External


Copyright © 2022 The Open College (Version 10)

MARKING SOLUTION (For Official Use Only)

Learner Name:

Centre: The Open College

Centre No.: 38365F

Assessment criteria Marks Total



Understanding and application of concepts associated with
caring for older people:

Clearly illustrates understanding of the ageing process
Illustrates awareness of issues associated with ageism
Outlines the role of the HCA in delivering quality care to the
older person



Relevant research and sources of information:

Work is correctly referenced and Bibliography present
Sources of information are appropriate; identifies services
provided by statutory and voluntary organisations



Appropriate presentation of work:

Work is presented clearly and in correct format
Follows a logical order and contents page present



Comprehensive analysis of findings and logical conclusions
and recommendations:

Clearly illustrates understanding of a specific illness
associated with older person
Physical Care needs of the older person examined
Cognitive needs of the older person examined




Reflection on completion (of project) process:

Identifies personal knowledge gained
Provides personal recommendation to improve care
Reflects on how quality care could be improved for older




Total marks for this piece of assessment 40




The Theory of Goal Attainment and Transactional process is a theory that guides nurses to practice nursing based on a personal approach. It is a Grand Theory based on Interactive Process.  The purpose of this theory is to be able to achieve patients’ goals by forming a relationship with the client or patient. To be able to form a relationship with a patient/client there are several factors that have to be consider.  One of the main factors that has to be consider is the fact that the patient is a unique individual and as such nurses must think how to approach this patient to form a therapeutic relationship that will involve the patient in his/her own healthcare goals.

The goal of attainment has impacted research, education, and the nursing. However, it has impacted nursing education in particular. “For example, it served as a frame work for the baccalaureate program at the Ohio State University School of Nursing where it determined the content and process taught at each level of the program” (McEwen & Wills,2023, p. 177).

The development of this theory was created by Imogene King in the 1960’s.  “During this time nursing practice was not so much based on theory.  Nursing practice was generally prescribed by others and highlighted by traditional, ritualistic tasks with little regard to rational” (McEwen & Wills, 2023, p.25).

It is interesting to know that this theory has been used not only for the purpose of education, research and nursing practice but it has also help to develop other theories.   “In addition to application in practice and research described previously, King’s work has been the basis for development of several middle-range nursing theories.  For example, was used by Rooda (1992)  to develop a model for multicultural nursing practice” (McEwen & Wills, 2023, p. 117)> 


Virginia Henderson was born in Missouri and raised in Virginia. She grew up to receive her diploma in nursing from the Amy School of Nursing located at Walter Reed Hospital. Within two years of working as a bedside nurse her passion for the profession grew immensely.  She applied to and was offered a nurse educator position at a hospital in Virginia. From that day Henderson embarked on a lifelong mission to educate nurses on her concept of the nursing profession. Over a decade she had  went on to obtain her Bachelors of Nursing degree in 1932 and her Master’s degree in 1934. Her concept and theories evolved and was imitative of her passion, practice and education. 

The philosophical and structural components of her theory was focused on educating nurses and providing patient care in an encouraging environment. Henderson was introduced to physiologic principles during her graduate education. The study of these principles was the fundamental basis of her framework for patient care (Henderson, 1965, 1991). The physiologic principle implies that the patient’s biology, psychology and sociology (biopsychosocial) all had to be taken into consideration when providing care. As her studies and work experience progressed, she was also introduced to “Thorndike’s fundamental needs of a man” (McEwen, Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs 2022), in which she gave credit to as having a direct influence on her beliefs. Another major concept of her theory is that nurses should assist patients with otherwise daily activities of life in times of illness until the patient is back to their optimistic level of health. Overall, helping the patient to regain independence by providing a supportive environment. Her concept of nursing included the nurse assisting the patient with 14 activities.

Henderson’s theory of nursing has immensely affected nursing education, nursing research and nursing practice.  Lucier (2018), for example, described how Henderson’s model could be used to enhance the nurse−patient relationship to provide holistic care at the end of life. Similarly, Waller-Wise (2013) found that Henderson’s theory assisted nurses in attaining excellence in childbirth education, and Miranda et al. (2018) used Henderson’s assumptions and model in their analysis of the concept of “nursing care of overweight children.” (McEwen, Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs 2022). Her contribution to nursing textbooks extended from 1930-1990’s. Her contributions to nursing had a global impact by strengthening the focus on nursing practice and confirming the value of tested interventions in assisting individuals to regain health (McEwen, Grand Nursing Theories Based on Human Needs 2022). Researchers internationally continue to be influenced by Henderson’s model as a framework.




Criteria for Grading Discussion Participation
Interactions should be thorough, thoughtful and facilitate the learning community’s growth.
Behaviors will be reviewed on a weekly basis. Contribution toward the course grade total
will be based on the pattern of demonstrating these characteristics.
Please remember, initial posts should be submitted by midnight by deadline. Your
responses to two of your peers’ initial posts should be made by deadlines, and then
responses to questions or comments made to you on your posts or discussion responses
should be made by deadlines also, per syllabus above.
Rubric for evaluating Discussion Participation
Characteristic of the Response Point Value
 No response 0
 Responses are noncontributory (e.g., “I agree with the comment;”
“I was thinking the same thing:” “I had a similar experience.”
 On-time response to all points
 Response is not relevant to other statements or the discussion
 Response shows minimal understanding of the topic
 On-time response to all discussion points
 Response reflects the point being discussed; builds on ideas of
other participants
 Facts and examples are appropriate to each thesis and are
 Rules of communication, language, etc. are utilized so as not to
distract the flow of discussion
 All elements in the 6-point division (above) and
 Responses reflect complete understanding of topic and assigned
 Uses greater detail, examples and other sources to support
 Initiates another question (which may/may not be discussed by
 All elements in the 8-point division (above) and
 Analyses, discussions and conclusions explicitly linked to the


Nursing Change Theory Assignment

Assistance please

Literature Review ppt

Please see attachment