Health Assessment 11


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Module 11 Content


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In a Word® document answer the following questions.

1. What two areas of knowledge have you gained?

2. What specific health assessment skills are you now able to integrate into your nursing care?

3. Are there any areas that still remain unclear? What will you do to increase your clarity?

Healthcare informatics peers response

Please send it as good as possible

W10 yu

 The surrogate role is not one that is frequently mentioned in recent nursing practice literature.  Is that role as defined by Peplau relevant to nursing practice as currently experienced.  If so, in what way.  If not, why? 

400 word, 1 reference

See Below


Where can you find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing? Throughout your degree program, you will use research literature to explore ideas, guide your thinking, and gain new insights. As you search the research literature, it is important to use resources that are peer-reviewed and from scholarly journals. You may already have some favorite online resources and databases that you use or have found useful in the past. For this Discussion, you explore databases available through the Walden Library.

Discussion post ( question to answer)

Using proper APA formatting, cite the peer-reviewed article you selected that pertains to your practice( PHMNP) area and is of particular interest to you and identify the database that you used to search for the article. Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Explain why or why not. Would you recommend this database? Explain why or why not.

250 words. APA format

3 references

Two in text citation 

No plagiarism please. 

Culture presentation (Morocco)

 4-5 document APA format  (including title and reference page).  A minimum of 3 references are required.

Culture: Morocco

Topic: Religion practice, eye contact, and cultural considerations for nursing.

critical thinking

Module 02 Content


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You are a Training Specialist hired by Universal Medical Supplies, Inc. This organization has been experiencing low productivity and errors in communication in the workplace. As part of an ongoing professional development series, the Vice President of the Human Resources department has tasked you with creating Critical Thinking training materials. The materials will be presented in many forms and by various means to help improve productivity and communication in the organization.

For a company training webinar, you will create an infographic using text and images that illustrate the concepts associated with cogent reasoning skills.


Use the Rasmussen library or other credible online resources to research one or more online articles about the topic of cogent reasoning and valid vs. invalid arguments.

Create an infographic that includes the following elements:

· Images and text that illustrate valid arguments.

· Images and text that illustrate invalid arguments.

· Images and text that illustrate cogent reasoning.

· An example of using evidence in defending an argument.

· An example of using evidence in refuting an argument.

· Include a space for references for the images and ideas used in the infographic.

your own words when adding text to the infographic, and create
your own charts and diagrams. Do not copy/paste text, charts, diagrams, etc. directly into your infographic. Submit your infographic in a Word or PDF document.

Using the Online Library

Finding credible and reliable online resources

What is an infographic, and how do I create one?

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the
Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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  1. When taking care of patients, why do you think it is important to utilize the appropriate resources?
  2. How do you think evidence from nursing journals affects patient care?
  3. What role does using the right evidence play in being a professional nursing student?
  4. What role does understanding plagiarism and academic integrity play in being a professional nursing student?

Ethical approaches research

Identify  5 research articles and write a brief summary of the Ethical approaches used in the research studies.

500 words

APA 7 format   from the last 3 to 5 years 

Academic writing


Frontal page 


Article Summary 1


  1. What is the research question?
  2. What research method is being used?
  3. How are the subjects chosen (explain the parameters & how many)
  4. What are the results of the study?
  5. What are the recommendations?
  6. What is your opinion? 

Theory class discussion replies

please respond to each discussion response and provide at least 2 references each