Family Genetic History
Assistance please
Assistance please
Mixed methods research designs combine quantitative and qualitative research methods to answer research questions requiring both perspectives. Describe the pros and cons of a mixed method research design. Please include 400 words in your initial post with two scholarly references by Wednesday midnight. Please answer two peers by Saturday midnight with 200 words.
NU117/NUR1172 Section 03 Nutritional Principles in Nursing
Module 02 Written Assignment – Macronutrients and Their Impact
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Module 02 Content
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Each slide should include information about each macronutrient.
· Definition of the macronutrient inclusive of its function and structure
· Where they are digested and absorbed
· Types and their purpose
· Special characteristics and function
· Clinical applications as they relate to health and diets
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Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension.
Assignment that is medical related, or nursing. Have to do a SOAP note, so you would have to know what a SOAP note is in regards to the medical field and there are questions you have to answer about CPT codes, billing codes for patient visits, Dx. codes, etc. But Ican add the diagosis codes.
Thanks Julie
3. Understanding others’ roles provides insight into who can best perform a particular task and how it could be redesigned to be more efficient and effective. How would delegation have a positive effect on staffing?
Delegation affects staffing positively because it increases productivity, effectiveness, and the overall performance of an organization. For instance, delegation enables managers to distribute responsibilities to employees who have the requisite expertise, knowledge, and specialized abilities, which guarantees that the task is carried out by people with the most necessary qualifications, producing superior results (Rubbab et al., 2023). It also enables equitable task distribution within the company, which helps promote a balanced workload by not overworking certain team members while underutilizing others by giving assignments to staff with the necessary skills.
Moreover, when employees work in an environment where tasks are effectively delegated, they get the opportunity for skill improvement and professional advancement. Delegations enable employees to learn and develop new abilities when given new duties, which boosts job satisfaction and motivation (Rubbab et al., 2023). Delegation also increases staff engagement and morale since it gives them a stronger feeling of ownership and pride in their work when they are given more freedom and responsibility, which increases their job satisfaction and loyalty to the company (Rubbab et al., 2023). Besides, when assigning tasks, it is important to communicate expectations, goals, and expected results clearly. Therefore, delegation of tasks encourages improved internal communication and guarantees that everyone is aware of their tasks and duties.
By delegating, managers are able to devote more of their attention to higher-level tasks like strategic planning, decision-making, and problem-solving. This can be especially useful for leaders who can make better use of their time by avoiding mundane duties (Colombo et al., 2021). Delegation also reduces risks by spreading them across the team members who participate in decision-making and task execution. This enables team members who experience challenges when executing different tasks to get assistance and prevent certain setbacks (Colombo et al., 2021).
In summary, delegation positively influences staffing because it maximizes resource allocation, fosters skill development, and raises employee engagement. It also improves the overall performance of an organization since it enables better use of personnel skills, which eventually leads to long-term success.
Colombo, M. G., Foss, N. J., Lyngsie, J., & Lamastra, C. R. (2021). What drives the delegation of innovation decisions? The roles of firm innovation strategy and the nature of external knowledge. Research Policy, 50(1), 104134.
Rubbab, U. E., Naqvi, S. M. M. R., Irshad, M., & Zakariya, R. (2023). Impact of supervisory delegation on employee voice behavior: role of felt obligation for constructive change and voice climate. European Journal of Training and Development, 47(7/8), 769-787.
Part 1: Healthy Body WeightExamining your energy balance and factors that affect your appetite.
Part 2: Breaking Bad HabitsExamining your unhealthy eating behaviors and developing a plan to break them.
Part 3: Physical ActivityExamining your level of fitness and developing a plan to increase it.
SummarySummarizing your plan for gaining or maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
To receive full credit, all answers must be typed and in complete sentences to receive full credit. You will be graded for detail and specific information. Provide details that demonstrate your knowledge of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Listing, bulleting, or short answers are not acceptable.
Remember to use full sentences and paragraphs when answering all parts. A well-formed paragraph consists of at least three proper sentences. A proper sentence is a complete idea and consists of at least one noun and one verb.
Avsar, P., Budri, A., Patton, D., Walsh, S., & Moore, Z. (2022). Developing algorithm based on activity and mobility for pressure ulcer risk among older adult residents: Implications for evidence‐based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 19, 112–120.
Advanced Psychopharmacology and Health Promotion
Unit 3 Ion Channels. Discussion and peer response. 1300w. APA. 4 references total due 9-15-23.
Review the link.
Initial Response
Unit 3 discussion APA. 800W.
1. Compare and contrast the two different major classes of ion channels.
2. Explain the difference between full agonists, partial agonists, antagonists, inverse agonists.
3. Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with in-text citations and corresponding references in APA format.
Peer Response
section APA 500W.
Please read and respond to at least two of your peers' initial postings. You may want to consider the following questions in your responses to your peers:
1. Compare and contrast your initial posting with those of your peers.
2. How are they similar or how are they different?
3. What information can you add that would help support the responses of your peers?
4. Ask your peers a question for clarification about their post.
5. What most interests you about their responses?
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
Week 6 ion channel —2 Peer Response 600w. due 10-12-23
Please read and respond to at least two of your peers' initial postings. You may want to consider the following questions in your responses to your peers:
· Compare and contrast your initial posting with those of your peers.
· How are they similar or how are they different?
· What information can you add that would help support the responses of your peers?
· Ask your peers a question for clarification about their post.
· What most interests you about their responses?
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.
This is a very interesting case since Sam is only 19 years old and has a history of major depressive disorder (MDD) and also generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). At a glance, I noticed that his behavior has highs and lows since he has gone from being violent by throwing a chair at a store window to having a “resounding moment” where everything makes sense. Among many other clues, this leads me to believe Sam can be newly diagnosed with bipolar disorder with manic episodes.
After consulting our DSM-5-TR book on page 140, I also realized Sam presents multiple symptoms that represent the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. To start Sam preceded a “psychotic breakdown” along with a history of MDD. He has also presented physiologic changes like diminished sleep, and other signs, and symptoms of a manic episode (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5-TR 2022). It also appears he is more talkative than usual by engaging his colleagues for long hours in conversation. Adding on to his symptoms it also appears he has engaged in high-risk behaviors such as drinking and sexual relations which was not his norm before. He has thought of himself as being better than the professors which match the ideas of grandiosity.
At first, I wasn’t sure which medication to prescribe, but it seems he would benefit from lithium since lithium is an antimanic medication primarily used to treat bipolar disorder(Lithium, 2022). Sources such as MedlinePlus indicate lithium is a mood stabilizer and works by releasing dopamine and serotonin in the brain (Lithium: MedlinePlus Drug Information 2023). Just like this case, I have seen many but now I see things differently since I know more in-depth the signs and symptoms as well as researching the proper medication.
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5-TR (5th ed.). (2022). . American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
Stahl, S. M. (2021). Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: The Prescriber’s Guide (7th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Townsend., K. I. M., Mary C. (2020). Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, 8th edition. F.A. Davis.
Week 6, Medication for Bipolar Disorders
What diagnosis do you believe may apply to this individual?
The patient is a young boy presenting with a 'psychotic break,' characterized by reckless behaviors, sudden and unconventional decision-making (such as changing his major in university), distractibility, reduced need for sleep, a heightened sense of knowledge and grandiosity (believing he can teach courses in the university), and unusual beliefs regarding the nature of reality and his newfound appreciation for life. He is also engaging in high-risk behaviors, including excessive drinking, sexual activity, violence, increased spending, and initiating numerous projects without completing any. These symptoms are indicative of a manic episode (if they present more than a week).
Considering the patient's history of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and anxiety disorder, the diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder (BPD) has been established. It is crucial to first rule out any medical problems, brain trauma, substance abuse, and other mental disorders that may be included in the differential diagnosis of BPD. The primary distinction between bipolar I and II lies in the nature of the manic or hypomanic episodes. In bipolar I disorder, individuals experience full manic episodes that typically last for at least one week. On the other hand, bipolar II disorder is characterized by hypomanic episodes, which are milder in intensity and shorter in duration, lasting no more than four days (Stahl, 2021).
Beyond this key difference, there are also variations in the clinical course and family history associated with these two subtypes. Individuals with bipolar II disorder tend to receive their diagnosis later in life, and their first experience of hypomania occurs at an older age compared to those with bipolar I disorder. These distinctions in age of onset and diagnostic patterns contribute to the differentiation between bipolar I and II disorders (Brancati et al., 2023).
Manic often presents with the feeling of being extremely important and having a very high opinion of oneself, sometimes to the point of having false beliefs about one's capabilities (Howse et al., 2023). In this case, the patient believes he is capable of teaching at the university. An experienced Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) can conduct a thorough history assessment to determine whether the psychosis is linked to brain traumas, substance use, schizoaffective disorders, or BPD.
What classifications of medications can be used to treat this disorder? Which medication do you recommend and why?
When the patient is diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, it indicates the need for mood stabilizers. Various mood stabilizers are available, including Lithium, Lamotrigine, Valproic Acid, and Carbamazepine. According to Stahl (2021), Lithium is considered the foundational and standard treatment for bipolar disorder and acute mania. However, this medication comes with several potential side effects, such as tremors, nephrotoxicity (Diabetes Insipidus), hypothyroidism, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weight gain, hair loss, acne, sedation, decreased cognition, and incoordination. It can also lead to EB Stain anomalies in the fetus if taken during pregnancy.
Lithium additionally has a very low therapeutic index, signifying that the lethal dose of this medication is very close to the therapeutic level in the blood. Therefore, monitoring of blood levels of this medication is crucial throughout the treatment process. Regular assessments of kidney function, thyroid hormone levels, and electrolytes are also necessary. Lithium effectively stabilizes mood and reduces the severity of manic episodes (Stahl, 2021). Alongside medication, psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or family-focused therapy, plays an essential role in treatment. It is equally important to educate the patient's family members about the disease and the treatment process.
Brancati, G. E., Nunes, A., Scott, K., O’Donovan, C., Cervantes, P., Grof, P., & Alda, M. (2023). Differential characteristics of bipolar I and II disorders: a retrospective, cross-sectional evaluation of clinical features, illness course, and response to treatment. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 11(1), 25.
Howse, J., Kanter, J., Muhammad, Q. C., & Wojcik, K. D. (2023). Mood disorders with psychotic features: Diagnostic considerations and treatment challenges. Psychiatric Annals, 53(4), 160-165. to an external site.
Stahl, S. M. (2021). Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and practical application (5th ed.).
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