week 8 ppt
1. Create a 5- to 7-minute powerpoint explaining the key components of your research proposal. By Wednesday, submit the following points:
· A brief introduction, including your research questions and hypothesis
· The significance to nursing/nursing education
· An overview of your literature review
· A summary of your design and methodology
· Your sample data collection procedures
· An overview of your data analysis plan
· Ethical considerations
· A summary and conclusion of your research proposal
2. Include a brief self reflection about the project. If you were to implement your research, would you do anything differently? Why or why not?
3. Add your powerpoint to this discussion board by creating a new thread with your name and Research topic. Ex: Smith_EHealth
Your powerpoint should be succinct and include visuals if necessary. Make sure to post your presentation by Wednesday of this week.
*This discussion board is worth 50 points this week.